Wednesday, November 3, 2010

kids are dumb

I won't lie, I just hung up the phone with my father getting another lecture about how I'm dumb.'s true I am. But I must say...the school year has been interesting so far. I have noticed that this year I have been getting a lot of talks from teachers concerning midterms and marks being much lower than previously. Like I have not been doing fantastically but I'm still getting well above average. One of my classes, the average was 55% and it was not a hard test at all. I was also talking to Becky today and she said that the BCDO (Business Career Development Office) is having a difficult time getting people to come to events. They have even had to cancel events due to lack of interest. It's interesting because these are all pretty important, things like resume building and networking skills are things that are more and more vital for graduating.

Becky and I were discussing this little conundrum this morning and we think that people just don't give a shit about university anymore. Like way back in the day it was awesome if you just got your high school degree. Then it moved into being critical. Now it is pretty much critical to have a degree if you want a job because you need to make yourself competitive. I feel like in 10 years people are going to think it's crazy that these sessions were never filled up because the demands will be even higher then.

Sylvia had a very unlady-like moment today. I told her I was going to blog about it. Now none of you in cyberspace will be her friend (don't worry she's actually really nice - well sometimes). So we're walking to the vehicles after class and she just bends over and horks a giant loogey. Sadly she failed to notice the guy walking right behind her who nearly runs into her as she bends over to spit. She nearly died when he said something to her. Then as we're driving back to my place she tries to spit from the moving video. No it did not exit the car. The spitball landed right behind her shoulder on the door. Needless to say...we had to pull over. It was way to funny, I may have let out a tear or two.

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