Thursday, December 9, 2010

exams really suck

So You've noticed that after my pretty steady rate of blogging, I've dipped off a little. Well, there's an answer for this an it's name is Geoff Hoover aka my finance prof. He decided an exam would be a great idea for the end of year and make it worth 50% of my grade. Neadless to say I've spent a lot of time procrastinating, but little time coming up with great blog ideas.

I'm so happy to be done. This exam season is pretty crazy but pretty exciting. I am however writing 4 exams in 6 days. I'm so happy finance came first because I had to do the majority of my studying for that class and by the end of exams you get so exhausted. Can you imagine studying crazy crazy for two weeks straight. I couldn't. I probably clocked in about 40-46 hours of studying which is significantly more than I usually do.

For my exam tomorrow, the total is closer to about 7 hours. I think I'll do better, it's a pretty easy class. I'll wake up early tomorrow anyways.

It's weird though. I could definitely feel the stress of exams and I realized for the past days I've been eating about 1.85 meals a day. Partialy because I'm to tuckered out to cook, and partially because I'm just not thinking about food. It's moments like this it would probably be beneficial to live at home where someone could make food for me. Oh well.

Today's supper just happened at the ripe ole time of 10:28 and I ate a can of mandarines. Yum.

Maybe a little bit more review before sleeping, but gosh darn it when I get home I'm sleeping in until noon!

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