Monday, January 31, 2011


So since being back at school I have decided to get off my lazy ass and join a gym. So I signed up at one of those large ontario chains called premier fitness. So when I signed up I got 5 sessions. The first was just to see where I am with my life now, and what my goals are. The one after was to see what kind of strength level I had and what kind of gym knowledge I have. Then I had the third today which was a pretend session with a trainer to see what it would be like to have a personal trainer.

PS premier fitness I hope you read this so that you can see customer dissatisfaction. ---and if you read this send me an email to rectify this!

So after the half-hour session which I found was useless! I got to meet with someone again about getting the personal trainer. I had the guy doing my trainer go and get some manager guy to come talk with me about some program that's gonna take me through four steps and get me to my peak physical condition. As this sales pitch is being made my trainer kind of sneaks out. So this guy is talking to me about how much weight I can drop before beach season. Even before he gets through his whole spiel I say that I can't afford this - he rebuts with the fact that he hasn't even mentioned the cost yet. So I allow him to continue.

The initial cost is $33/week. For a student that is a lot. I can't afford it.

Then he keeps talking about the beach and how I don't know a lot about gym equipment. Again no

Then he tells me I won't get the results I want. you know at this point I don't care enormously about that. I just want to keep physically active and maybe drop a little, but I'm not going to be upset if it gets to summer and my body doesn't look like jessica stam. I't isn't the end of my life. I have more self-confidence then that.

He even goes so far as to drop the price for less sessions. Also says you spend how much a day going out to eat or getting coffee and that I could use that money to work out. I'm real annoyed at this point and at one point I even debated getting up and just leaving because I was so frustrated. I also told him that I'd be guaranteed results because I wouldn't have enough money for food and I'd starve to my 'target weight'

I just felt really discouraged and that I wasn't worth anything if I didn't subscribe to this program. I'm still going to go to the gym, because I still want to work out.

and yes to let all you know the money management situation isn't going that great either. I have been living like I have a job all the time. Not a great choice!! So I'm really watching my budget right now.

1 comment:

  1. Stupid gym people. When/if I join a gym, no personal trainer will make their way into my happy little workout bubble. Let me get fit/healthy for cheap, okay!?
