Saturday, December 3, 2011

The most awesome game (I just woke up)

so I literally just woke up seconds ago from a dream where I created the coolest game ever and I wanted to write it down before lal the thoughts go away.

So this isn't an ordinary game - it's like a game that has to be played over a course of like a year. It's only to be played with your closest friends. This will just be sort of an outline because obviously I can't work out all the details immediately. I just woke up!

So the object of the game is to get the most points. This is done by having a meeting with the players every week. During these meetings there are different games and tasks that will be played all in an effort to learn points. Throughout the evening you can earn and ose points through team games, individual challenges and there can be points lost because of specific rules that make no sense. Like during these evenings - for example. one night a rule can be no words that have to do with milk products, so you can't talk about cheese or anything. The rules are all clearly non-sensical and rules will be drawn on the hour, as well as each night will have a few pre-established rules set out by the creators. Wagers can also be made during individual challenges. If you do not complete your challenge, you can wager to complete the challenge. However, if you fail - you must have a punishment that needs to be completed throughout that months. This punishment can be having to lick your way through 16 jawbreakers or motivate 3 people to walk a total of 40 miles (piggybacking is allowed).

Ok I'm starting to wake up a little bit now, but man this game sounds so so intense. And should be played with a group of 12 or so people. But how cool would it be to just live in a year with such an epic game. Drinking is obviously included. One day it would be amazing to just plan everything out but I don't think I have enough cool ideas for any of this.

Nearly as epic as Chardee McDennis!

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