Saturday, April 9, 2011

I am watching the movie Food Inc, after starting to watch it in my MGMT class, which is so good because our prof realizes that business is not solely about making profits and that it involves real people with real feelings. So we never finished that movie in class, and I wanted to see the end. last year at finally over. I've decided that I want to finish this thing.

Basically it's talking about corporate farming and it's so so sad that it is cheaper to buy crappy sugary processed food than to buy legit veggies. One thing that we were discussing in class is whether or not it is the companies responsibility to care for it's stakeholders or whether as buyers we should be looking out for ourselves. It is an awkward situation because we truly don't know enough details about where our food comes from, and realistically we don't have that many choices. That is really motivating me to consider my food sources much more. It's obviously not something that can be changed over night but I'm going to do small things.

Something else they mentioned was the number of people who don't know a farmer and that got me thinking as well. I think being from manitoba and the kind of background that I have I can't imagine someone not knowing a farmer. For goodness sakes my mother grew up on a farm. A guy I know went to the country for the first time 4 years ago and could barely believe the fact that there were that many stars once all the light pollution was gone. Things like this truly make me worry for my future children and grandchildren. It seems that there are so many people that especially out here in ontario find going into the country such a foreign experience and it's almost frightening. It's almost as though they are so stuck in the city they don't realize the reality of having a life outside of a city.

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