Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Before I die I want to...

The popular theme with kids these days seems to be yolo-ing.
I think one of the really strong influences is the show the buried life in which the four main hosts (for lack of a better word) have a list of 100 things they want to do before they die. And not just simple, I'd like to go to spain or go skydiving...but virtual unrealistic things like asking a movie star out on a date. I think this is an neat concept and people should think about what their dreams in life are but I do not have any dream like this. I do not have a "before I die list". Each episode they also help someone else achieve their dream, often quite touching moments are spurred from these, as they tend to be a little more serious.

I don't think this is the most applicable list for how I want to live my life. I feel like making a list and having goals is extremely important, but my only thought is what happens when you get to the end of the list. Then it seems like you are living your life solely for this list.

I do have lists of things I want to do, but these are more of a guideline because all I want to do right now is travel and explore and learn. I worry that by having such a focus on a list I will lose the opportunity to discover something new along the way. For me I just have more generalized lists. I would like to go to every country in Europe. I also wouldn't be mad if I went to every country in the world, but I am not going to be bummed if I don't even get to half. I feel like it would involve backpacking and reliance on locals which I do not necessarily feel excited about. I also have a list of foods that I need to eat, and libraries that I need to visit.

Excitingly I was able to cross my first library off my list this past weekend on my visit to St. Gallen.

It was sad because I really wish that I could have been there to share it with my father, but I am happy that I had his blessing (so I put his name in the guest book)