Sunday, December 1, 2013

again - about role models

I think a while ago I wrote about having role models and how I thought that worship of another person is totally unnecessary and I did not believe in it.

I do actually wish to revisit this topic, because there are people that I have the great respect for. I think one of the things that actually qualifies these two individuals is because they are in general what I think to be such humble people. I also think they are the most down-to-earth (which you will later find funny) and kind and loving people. Upon more consideration I think what I like most about them is not necessarily what they want to do but how they push to accomplish their goals.

The first is Tim Gunn who is just a delight. So charming and wonderful and decisive in what his tastes are. He is a teacher and inspiration.

Then Chris Hadfield, the canadian astronaut also fascinates me because of his joy and pleasure in making space and scientific exploration accessible and inspiring to those outside of his field. What struck me the most in an interview is how now after being in space he is able to look at all people with the thought of "one of us"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remembrance Day in Europe

Yesterday a couple that is also staying where I am in Italy arrived from England where it was remembrance day. My parents also had the day off because of this occasion. My dad ended up asking if there was such a holiday in Germany. I have now been thinking, if we celebrated this in Germany there would be people up in arms, because this would be glorifying Nazi-ism, and celebrating what they did.

Obviously living in Germany does make me sympathize a little bit with this side, because despite what side you were on, you lost people that you loved, which I am not right with in any case. After all, I have many colleagues and friends who have never been able to meet family members. I think it is a clear indication that history is written by the victors.

My last week was full of situations - here is a breakdown

Thursday - I had to transfer my rent for the month. Upon doing so I was in such a rush that I left my card in the machine. Didn't realize this until Saturday, so I was able to pick it up on monday morning

Monday - had to tell my roommates that I was moving out

Tuesday - got back from choir and my roommate locked us both out of the house by leaving the key in the door on the inside, and then shutting it

Thursday - trying to take out money for Italy I realize that my account is locked out, from when I went left my card in the machine. Had to order a new one, which arrives during the week I am in Italy. I would prefer to have this card in Italy though

Friday - having to clean the entire apartment by myself

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday history lessons

I would say that I am quite a nut about history. I love learning about history and have since I was young. Do I regret not studying it - no, because I have a job: yes, because I would love love love to work in a museum.

Today, instead of going to church I decided to take a little trip to the Schlossmuseum. I also find it quite saddening to think of how long I have lived here and haven't gone. I am quite embarrassed with how little I know about Darmstadtian history. When I think of Darmstadt I just think of farmland, and rural life because outside of Germany, now one knows about it. Before I came here, what I did I know of this place...??? nothing. But some real stuff happened here, and it really is not an insignificant little corner. Although there wasn't a King here, there was a earl and then later a duke who was in charge of this area. I did know that there was a connection to two daughters being ladies in waiting for Marie Antoinette at Schönbrun in Vienna.

The Schlossmuseum was quite nice and it was super interesting to hear things about the city that you are living in and help you appreciate things and find out why they were there.

One of the hospitals, that is still very active was actually a gift to an old Princess (Elisabeth).

But the biggest history-gasm of the day was finding out that the daughter of Queen Victoria (the Queen Victoria) married a minor prince of Hessen, which was the lineage for the Tsarina Alexandra of Russia who passed along haemophilia to her son Alexei stirring up the whole Rasputin thing in Russia prior to the first world war.

Also, Alexandra's brother Ernst Ludwig who is super important in Darmstadt (was a duke) who was very influential in the Jugendstil movement is the Godfather of Prince Charles

Minde blown!!

I am certainly going to need to learn many more things, because these discoveries really get my blood pumping with excitement.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Bitte nicht Schubsen

The picture above translates to "please don't push - I have a yogurt in my Backpack"

A dear friend sent this to me the last time I  had a slight accident with strawberry yogurt resulting in the destruction of my blackberry.

One would think that a person would learn from such an expensive incident.

I didn't

This time I managed to destroy a purse. Somehow now electronics or valuables were destroyed. It was only literature in the form of Ernest Hemmingway - sorry sir!

NO more yogurt for this girl!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

starting a life abroad

I am at the point on my life, and I think I have been at this point for quite some time, where I am strongly considering the move to live on my own. I have wanted to do this for a while, since before my roommate issues started. The strongest driver for this is just being able to have only my stuff where I want and being able to arrange everything how I want. I really have a difficult time allowing over people around me to have their own space and ideas about how things should be run. One thing I will miss is the occasional someone to talk to, but I think that the benefits outweigh the negatives. At this point I do not care to have roommates who are friends, because when I am home I like to be at home...and I like being by myself. Weirdly, this huffington post article made me realize - not all point are true but I find resonance with a lot of them.

One thing that really really sucks about moving out though is that it is so expensive. Moving out on my own automatically means that I will be paying more for rent (less travel) and I have to buy normal cookware and housewares for my place. I hate when you live somewhere and get used to using certain cooking vessels for different purposes, but then when you, or your roommate move out you don't have them anymore. The nice thing about living in winnipeg would be having family and parents that are always looking to get rid of things, and they can tide you over until you can afford nice things for yourself.

If and when this move does happen, I will be hitting lots of second hand shops!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Deutsche Bahn - you have irritated me

So on 18.09 I decided it was time to buy my ticket for my trip this weekend to Munich. I did this just as I was leaving home and found a coupon for 10 euros off. A little irritating, but whatever..I went online and wanted to see if I could amend my ticket. It looked like I could - there is a button that says "stornieren und umtauschen" which literally means cancel and exchange. When there is a button that says "cancel" I assume that when I am making the exchange I am going to cancel and get a new one. There is also a button under that says "stonieren" or cancel. I of course just wanted to trade the more expensive ticket for the ticket for which I could save my 10 euroes.

Today I checked my account balance and it looked a little low...a lot I got a print out of my transactions and see that there was an extremely large charge from DB. So I logged onto my account and see that in fact I have two train tickets for my journey tomorrow. Not necessary. So I called in and the service agent tell me that I do in fact have to manually cancel the one ticket.

This website makes no sense. If I have to manually cancel anyways, why is there a button with the cancel and exchange option??!!! By cancelling today I have to pay a 15 euro service fee, meaning that using this coupon has essentially cost me 5 euros.

I called in to find out this information and said that it was misleading, and the service rep says that I should have called in...what is the point of having a website??!! It is also frustrating because I have so many options now of people that are driving to Munich with other Carpooling websites that I could have saved a lot more money.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Todays plan was supposed to be a nice little trip up to Frankfurt to celebrate Oktoberfest. Due to some high shoes, a long dress, and turkish circle dance, one of my dear friends ended up spraining her ankle last night. This meant that our plans could not be fulfilled and I did not have any friends to go with. Alright, that sucks...

....but I was happy because I was going to be able to go to church. I think after going three weeks in a row in summer I was "churched out". Even during the week I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to go this week or next week. Well as luck turned out, God wanted me to go to church this week.

I was also happy that I was able to go. I got into another little tiff with my roommate last night, because I asked him to wipe up after he spills his coffee. (Side note: if changing the colour of countertops was an art form, my roommate would be in the Louvre) I also had sent a group text earlier to him and my other roommate earlier saying (translated) "The front door was left open twice today. Please pay attention". He takes everything I say as a deep dark criticism. I also look stupid because last week I looked in the bathtub and saw hair and said - hey can you please clean that out - and he found my hair within the mix....a bit of egg on my face. So he said that he can't ever believe me now because I criticize, but then do the same thing. Sir, I do not pour coffee on the counter and not wash up. For him it is simply too difficult to admit that he perhaps erred. It is impossible to have an form of discussion because he turns immediately defensive or tries to shift the blame.

I wanted to go to church today, especially because I had a difficult time sleeping last night because I was a little distraught over what had happened. I also wanted to take the time and try and learn something and how God can help me handle the situation with more grace.

Grace is at the moment a huge theme for me, and I think for my dear father as well. It is easier to act with pettiness and sarcasm, but grace is something God has shown us, and how we should choose to interact with the people around us.

Anyways - I am very happy to go to church. I think it may have been the first time that I ever paid attention to the whole sermon. He was talking about how there are rules for living in a community, which then led to the ten commandments. The speaker then made a comparison to the fact that in Germany there are over 67,000 individual rules in the German Law Books...

Each law is based on some sort of situation. There would be no need for the law, unless there was some sort of precedent set. That is sad. Even if you are not a christian this is sad. Why do people try to do bad things to hurt other people? Why do people think that it is more important to think of the self? And Germany is much more community minded than North America.

I think people need to act with more grace towards each other. By treating each other poorly we simply encourage retaliation and acting rash does not make the situation better.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Before I die I want to...

The popular theme with kids these days seems to be yolo-ing.
I think one of the really strong influences is the show the buried life in which the four main hosts (for lack of a better word) have a list of 100 things they want to do before they die. And not just simple, I'd like to go to spain or go skydiving...but virtual unrealistic things like asking a movie star out on a date. I think this is an neat concept and people should think about what their dreams in life are but I do not have any dream like this. I do not have a "before I die list". Each episode they also help someone else achieve their dream, often quite touching moments are spurred from these, as they tend to be a little more serious.

I don't think this is the most applicable list for how I want to live my life. I feel like making a list and having goals is extremely important, but my only thought is what happens when you get to the end of the list. Then it seems like you are living your life solely for this list.

I do have lists of things I want to do, but these are more of a guideline because all I want to do right now is travel and explore and learn. I worry that by having such a focus on a list I will lose the opportunity to discover something new along the way. For me I just have more generalized lists. I would like to go to every country in Europe. I also wouldn't be mad if I went to every country in the world, but I am not going to be bummed if I don't even get to half. I feel like it would involve backpacking and reliance on locals which I do not necessarily feel excited about. I also have a list of foods that I need to eat, and libraries that I need to visit.

Excitingly I was able to cross my first library off my list this past weekend on my visit to St. Gallen.

It was sad because I really wish that I could have been there to share it with my father, but I am happy that I had his blessing (so I put his name in the guest book)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

cat meetups at midnight

Today was my friend Rominas birthday. To celebrate we went to her garden. Seeing as I do not possess a motorized vehicle I decided to accept her (Romina's) offer of driving me to the celebration. To get to her house I took my bike. This also meant that she would need to return me to her house to pick up said bike to return home; about a five minute ride.

Once we arrived back at her place I saw a little kitty cat and started talking to it in a way people would assume I was dropped on my head as a child. Romina remarked that this cat belonged to her neighbours. The cat followed us from the car to Rominas house where she contemplated taking it inside because she was scared to have it get hit by a car. In Canada jerks leave their cats out all the time so I figured this must have been what happened. The neighbours car however wasn't there (assumed not home). I jokingly asked the cat if I could put her in my basket and take her home. Romina took this as dead serious...

as much as I want a

She then opened the gate and the cat rushed inside the yard. Romina then went in to ask her parents what we should do with it and in that time her Grandma comes out from the upstairs apartment in her nightgown. Oh yeah, her grandma has Alzheimer's.

Situational hilarity ensues.

For the next five minutes her grandma keeps calling for "Sheila" (her cat), but everytime she gets close to the cat she realizes it's not Sheila. And she keeps saying the cat is always around on her balcony and that she sometimes sleeps with it. Why is this lady letting strange cats into her house.

But we just carried on having more discussions about the cat and how it is often on her balcony and she feeds it. Then Rominas dad comes out and is irritated because it is midnight and what are we doing out here with this dumb cat.

I took this as my cue to head home, Romina went inside....I hope her grandma did too.

Monday, June 10, 2013


One of my dreams of 15 years was to go to Versailles....and I was able to do that when I was in Paris. I know this is long overdue considering I have been there more than a month ago - but just deal with it.

It is weird going to places that you have heard so many things about and seen a million pictures of. It's almost underwhelming because the anticipation is so big. This is honestly one of the reasons that I did not elect to go to the Louvre. One reason I was so excited to see Versailles is because of my early childhood (and continued) interest in French Revolution. It is so interesting to see Paris and the separation of church and state and see that in contrast to Germany. Paris in reminded me of America in the obvious patriotism and belief in state.

The experience at Versailles was also interesting. I elected to go with a tour as it would be the easiest way for someone to take me there and would give the best tour around the grounds. An Irish lad with the Parisian attitude was our guide and he was...alright. I think that already having a seemingly good knowledge was not beneficial. I was hoping he would shove a lot more in my face.

After the mediocre tour I made my way inside the palace with 4 strangers from my group. Even better - being a European citizen allowed me free entrance. What was great was that the one girl let me nerd-gasm all over her. I just let out all my facts without caring if she wanted to know. I think she appreciated them. It was interesting just hanging out with total strangers for the day. I think 4 years ago D would have tried to find them on facebook and immediately regret it when you realize you have no idea who these people are. Anyways - after we were done the girl and I decided to head out to a nice supper and wander. I wanted to go shopping but by the time we got anywhere things were already shutting down. I gave her my business card (because I'm so cool) and I haven't heard anything. It was nice though and I won't forget her.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

being away from mom and dad

I was reminded again yesterday that sunday is mothers day. For me mothers day is an annual event that I usually forget. Usually I will be reminded that day in church (usually I'm also in church because I'm newly home from school) and then I will whisper to my mom.

For us it's not a big day. It's in the same category as valentines day. It's nice to celebrate, but I'm not going all out for it.

It's also crazy to think, I have been away from my mother (and father) for about 6 years. I find that so strange. It's weird to think that we have spent 6 years apart (summers not included for the 5 years). I miss living with them. They were the best roommates I ever had!

I also realize that I can't stay a child forever but I am definitely feeling that I am almost completely in the category of having an adult relationship with my parents. I'm sure this is part of my lack of financial dependence as well (although I still owe them from school).

I am excited to travel with them this summer too. During uni I was never able to make family trips with them...but now the old tradition begins again!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

pre accension day party

Last night I was at an apartment party. I arrived there with Ina and we climbed up the stairs (side note> I am not used to climbing stairs anymore). and where greeted by a cloud of fog generated from a smoke machine. I saw into the "dance room" there were few people but every other room was crowded up. We eventually found Vero and chatted for a bit and we're like lets dance.

Then we didn't stop. We didn't really know anyone there and didn't really have the desire to talk to anyone. I realized at one point that everyone seemed to be pretty young and I asked Vero who said she overheard people talking about their end of high school tests. It was then I realized that we were the old weird ladies who didn't socialize with anyone and just danced without pause for 3 hours.

It was really fun to just think about ourselves as strangers at this party not caring about anything.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

coincidences of today

Today seems weirdly full of coincidences:
- one of my facebook friends is posting pictures of paris...where I was earlier
- On the train home from paris I passed through mannheim, meaning I passed by the university I attended there. The last time I was in mannheim was to write my last university exam - which was last may 4th (I only remember because of may the 4th be with you) - but crazy that it was almost to the year.
- I'm watching the SNL episode from yesterday which has host Zach Galifinakis paired with of monsters and men - a band that I love. The last time Zach was on he was there with vampire weekend - whom I also love! They play next week with Kristin Wiig.
- I also discovered of Monsters and men nearly a year ago to this day

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Queens Day

This week I had three days off. My goal was already to go to Paris for the weekend - I figured it was time. Then about a month ago I found out that the dutch were going to celebrate queens day on the 30th of April. Seeing as I am about 16.23% dutch (at least by association) I figured that it would be ok to celebrate.

The moment I got off of work on monday I was on my way straight to the train set for Amsterdam. Only the 3rd trip there within 4 months. That night was queens night - so dubbed by the Dutch as the next day was off anyways - so they better start partying as soon as possible.

So I quickly got ready and we headed off the see some outdoor concert. It was mostly people just standing and drinking outside. It was also being enforced this year that only one drink was allowed in ones possession; this seems very alleged from my experience.

The next day was almost more orange than one should see in a lifetime. But I even told the girls I was with - if you aren't wearing orange on this day I can't respect you. There was no excuse not to have any on!

The Day of the coronation was filled with merriment and about 1 million drunken dutch people partying and wandering around.

Also a bunch of dutch people trying to sell just about anything. The most interesting were the kids selling whatever. One highlight was the opportunity to kiss a frog. Another kid was selling portraits. Most people though would just set up their stuff like a flea market and try and sell it. The reason they do it on this day is because you can sell things on the street without a license and without having to pay the taxes.

The best part of my day was being able to wear a cape.

Paris Day 1

It is totally weird being in Paris.

It think that every time I go somewhere new I need to make it a "first" of something. So among a few firsts is the fact that I am alone in a new country where I don't know the language. It is amazing though how much you will remember. I popped into starbucks for a espresso macchiato. And the entire transaction occurred in french. Thank goodness I have a french name!

I think that today it was really made obvious just how different the histories of major cities are - and how the architecture has been so affected by this. Each city kind of gives you that different impression. Berlin - influenced by WWII, Hungary - influence of years of being invaded by everyone. Amsterdam - a shipping city also welcoming sailors ...and Paris - is a city ruled by war and conquest. So many things that I saw today were influenced by the winning of battles and military activities. I don't think it has ever been so obvious and in my face as it was today.

Comparing to Germany it was also quite obvious with the difference between the victors and the losers of the second world war. One thing that makes me quite sad is that there are a lot of monuments (etc.) that got destroyed during the war meaning that we can't enjoy them now. Not the case in Paris.

I will say however that Paris did remind me moderately of being in Rome because there are so many things and it is so chaotic. Don't ever drive here. Seriously! It's just baffling that people live in these places and have normal lives. It would be so weird living in the city that receives annually the most tourists.

so far I like it though. But three days is NOT enough time!!

Also - french people have been super nice. I have not had anyone be a jerk yet. I'm sure the waiter at the restaurant wanted to be and would have been, but I made sure that I was sitting near other people who also spoke english. That also meant that me ordering food at 19:30 wasn't as weird... I don't know what time people eat here but all I know is that tomorrow I am going to have a much bigger lunch so I don't have to worry about it!!!

Steak frites here I come!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stop honking your horn!

Here's another post being fuelled by an immediate sense of rage.

Someone outside is honking their horn. I get honking your horn in traffic - but I become extremely frustrated by people who honk their horns as a signal that they are there instead of going and ringing the doorbell. I find it extremely rude and would be immediately turned off by anyone that did that with me. It is also extremely disrespectful of all the other people who are interrupted by your horn.

When you are in a residential area sounds happen to bounce and echo a little bit more - especially the way the the buildings and streets are constructed in Germany. The streets are lined with multi-family dwellings often two three or four stories high. And on a quiet street it seems to be even louder and abrasive to hear these horns.

Holding your horn for 5 seconds is extremely unneeded and unnecessary. If the person hasn't heard it after the first honk - they probably have heard it. Especially if they are expecting you.

We live in the 21st century where I know almost no one that doesn't own a cell phone. Simply call the person and say you are there. It will save everybody the aggrevation. Literally no person wants to hear this horn, so just stop!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Avicii folk album - judgy electro people receiving my judgement.

I completely forgot a while back ago that Avicii had done a set at Ultra Music festival which got a lot of people all up in a huff. I am not someone that generally would select electronic music to play myself. I will go out and dance all night to it - but I find it is often a bit to monotonous. I do however prefer folk music. I have finally been able to listen to the avicii set from Ultra in which he plays his folk crossover music. Electro-folk...? I can't give it a name.

I have been reading some of the comments that are on the stream I am listening to - most used word is "Dafuq". First off that is not a word. A lot of people are commenting that he has sold out. Since when is turning to folk music selling out?

People are so pissed because he's done something different. Oh my gosh heaven forbid your favourite artist tries something new, and tries to evolve. He is allowed to do these things.

I must admit that people who are into electro annoy me somewhat. A short list to describe why. Please don't take offence. I don't dislike you as a person - but as a group I sometimes have to drop my gaze and shake my head.

some reasons:

1. the terminology for all the different genres is astoundingly complex and there are apparently definitive and people are way to clear about what they like and don't like.

2. You make electro seem so exclusive. Like if I don't know any of the names of people I must not enjoy it. Oh man - Steve Aoki is so mainstream. Who cares!! I don't spend time hating on people for liking Britney Spears. And then anybody who only likes "mainstream"

3. You seem to think that you are the freest of people because of your pill popping and that you are raging until 6 worries, Yolo -

4. Girls wearing nerd glasses

5. Neon clothes - why??

6. more likely to use hashtags to try boost popularity

I can live with you people but it is not a world that I can submerse myself into.

Friday, April 5, 2013

coming down from the high

Last time I blogged I talked about excitement and anticipation for Mumford and Sons. Well the event has come and gone. My dad asked if I was going to blog about it and I didn't think I would. But I want to try and remember this moment so it would be best to write now.

I think that it seemed strange to me from the beginning that this band would play in Esch sur Alzette. I also often like to think that bands "belong" to me and this was an instance of realizing that in fact Mumford does not "belong" to me. The venue that they were playing was much larger than I was expection (can't blame me - look how small luxembourg is!) I think that there were a lot of people that came from Belgium, Germany, France and the likes. It was great because we ended up meeting some people who sold my friend a ticket. Coolest people - and we all just hungout the whole night.
new friend!

As far as the concert! I am generally a very grounded person and it is very rare that I let hype take over. Even if I believe in something, I usually don't like to get myself get wrapped up in a situation because I think that this groupthink makes people actually loose sight of an end goal (Kony 2012 anyone). I also don't like people that just bow down and worship celebrities. I can have a lot of respect for someone but it terrifies me to see people crying and screaming when they see one direction. I let the hype take over and was not at all interested in trying to process in the moment. I just yelled and enjoyed the music.

So much yelling in fact the some French guy turned around me and told me to ' shut my f-ing face'. Luckily cat was there to defend me. And no, I was not going to shut my f-ing face. Don't care. I don't think I have ever had that little respect for anyone around me. I was going to dance like no one was watching and like no one was in the same room as me.

As far as the music goes - I would say that it sounds extremely similar to the albums. I was reading an interview and they said that were very much inspired by the sounds of live music and I did feel closer to the music. That being said, it was nothing new to me. I was a little sad that there was no new song being played or something I had never heard. There were a couple of the older songs that I would have enjoyed hearing, or a few of the slower songs from the album. It was also amazing to be able to see them just keep revolving through the instruments and just picking up what was needed for each song. So much talent here!

They also did not do much talking. It's sad that their songs are not very long, because it did not make for a very long concert. Could not have been longer than an hour fifteen.

I think my dream concert would be seeing them in a much smaller venue. Personally I love live music but I think that it's the intimacy of being able to see someones faces when they play that makes things better because I like to see someone loving what they are doing. I didn't necessarily get that. There is a difference between playing to get all the correct notes and playing because you love it. Obviously every Band has their own performance style and Mumford and Sons just happens to have a very quiet style. I guess it suits the heaviness or sombreness of some of their lyrics. That's just speculation. I'm doing a later edit. I have been just mumford and sons-ing it up on youtube and watching some of their banter at other concerts. I regret that I may have sounded a little selfish in this blog. It's not my concert. Who I am to tell them how to run their concerts. I want to see them how they are and not just performing for me. It's about us and them hanging out and them playing some sweet music. 

Also - I have been watching some interviews and they really inspire to me read and be intelligent. I really appreciate their commitment to not being public spectacles either.

It is a little bewildering that they are not much older than me either and have only been a band maybe 5 years...??
Also interesting because we initially followed them across northern europe as we were in antwerp and amsterdam the same nights as them. And our friend in Amsterdam's roommate had been at the concert in Paris.

Stalk much?
I'd like to see them again soon - but next time, personal concert/intimate hangout??

Friday, March 15, 2013

Preparation for my emotional high

In about a weekend and a half - I will be living out a dream of mine.
I will be seeing Mumford & Sons live in Luxembourg (location doesn't actually matter in the case).

I generally do not gravitate towards seeing artists that I enjoy live because I often am scared it will ruin the mistique. I hate the whole celebrity worship thing, however to see my favourite band play my favourite music live, that's a whole other story.

I love live music.

I have waited years for this event to occur, never thinking the band would become as popular as they have. As someone who doesn't know how to contain her excitement I have already warned my friend coming to the concert with me that I will likely cry and have a breakdown. I will also throw up in the morning. No doubts about that.

One other odd thing that I am doing (why I admit these things on the internet is beyond me) - is saving a pair of underwear. I went shopping when I was at home over christmas for new underwear and there are still 3 that I haven't worn. Not that I am expecting that any person will see them (nor do I plan to show them off), but it is the greatest feeling to be able to prepare ones self in that you can do something special just for yourself.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The old lady who lives upstairs

I for some reason have some weird need that makes me want to help random strangers. More often than not this instinct really kicks in after a few beers. I am always looking out for others then. I often see older people in the city and want to help them out but I am scared that they will think that I am a creep and am going to mug them or something - which for the the record, I would never do.

The germans are generally private people and so I usually hold back this instinct of helpfulness.

A few weeks ago I finally had the chance though. I got into my building and I saw an older lady with a cane at the bottom of the stairwell with a bag of groceries. I asked if I could bring them upstairs and he was very thankful.

My question however is why does this old lady live at the very top floor of my building and how does she manage to get her groceries up the stairs normally. It would take her likely 20 minutes.

Monday, March 11, 2013

How I ruined my olympic skiing career

So I just got off talking to my father over Skype. I had to assure him I was ok after my ACL injury this weekend. He tells me - first off I ruin my soccer career, then my volleyball career...and now my skiing career. I will now share the story and situation of how this happened.

I decided with two friends that skiing would be a great idea. For those of you who don't know the manitoban landscape, downhill skiing occurs nearly exclusively in a dyke built around the city, unless you want to travel quite a distance. I had gone downhill skiing once, but this was about 13 years ago, when we were able to live into the new millennium. I was pretty good then and seemed to pick things up pretty quickly. I figure this experience would be fine as I endeavoured this again.

Now at the top of the mountain - I began to question what on earth I was thinking. I think something I had forgotten is that this isn't some crappy little hill. These were the freaking Alps!

Near the top of the "hill" - AMAZING VIEW!!!
I was so nervous at this point that I thought I was going to throw up. I first watched my one friend go down  on her snowboard and she was totally cool. Then working up some bravery I slowly decided to go. I figured I would try and snowplow the whole thing. Keep it nice and controlled. This worked for about 20 meters. I fell. That's fine. I figured that I would be falling quite a bit that day - that's part of learning.

So we continued on kind, and I seemed to be picking things up better and better. I was starting to be able to carve as I was going down the hill and do more than just a snow plow. I was so proud of myself. I was able to go long stretches without falling. For my the scariest part was when I started going to fast because I was worried I wouldn't be able to break and I would lose control and somehow destroy myself. At any rate the next time I go skiing I will wear a helmet. 

Looking like a Pro...
About two hours into my day after feeling pretty good about my skills I was carving and somehow misinterpreted the snow and I just really pushed hard to carve into the snow. So hard in fact that my ski remained where it was - but gravity in the moment became my enemy and pulled me further down the hill. It was a super crash. My friends came over right away and tried to help me. They were wondering if I could get my ski back on - but knowing that I have already had a knee injury I was like - no thanks, I am not risking this! I was so mad that I just started walking down the hill as my friend carried my skis. 
I was so not impressed. After about 10 minutes someone came and asked what was going on and I told her what happened. She asked if I wanted help. I said no thank - I'm gonna walk this one off. It's way to embarrassing to have to be rescued. I will get help at one of the lifts. I eventually made it to one of the lifts where she told me that they had already called someone. It was appreciated. Someone eventually came and I got to ride down in one of the stretchers behind him. I hated that I looked like I was completely inept, but it was super relaxing and I just basked in the warm Austrian son for a while. Quite a lovely experience. I then got sent down in the gondola where an ambulance was waiting for me. They had already asked me at the top what I wanted to do. I elected to go to a doctor.
Waiting for the doctor
After some questions they transported me to a doctor in the next village. X-rays were taken - no pants - it was a little cold but I made enough awkward jokes to make everyone feel better. Then the doctor came about 40 minutes later. Said - yup, no more ligament. Greeaatt. 

Needless to say I'm not super impressed but I can deal with it. The pain is relatively minimal. I am very 'fourtunate' to have already had this operation happen meaning that the ligament in there was already artificial and I didn't do damage to my actual body. It's mostly just annoying because it limits me from normal activities. I also don't want to have surgery again. I have to go to see a doctor tomorrow to figure out what the heck I am actually going to do. Perhaps have a second opinion as to whether or not this thing is actually torn.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Do I have a home?

This blog entry is dedicated to my father, as he told me that instead of complaining I should just right about it in my blog. To get back at him I will post a picture of the holstein I am currently drinking. I realized since opening it that I actually have not had breakfast yet - oh well - three beers is a meal *as they say

As to the topic of discussion between my father and myself - it pertained to the recent paint job that occurred in the room that I formerly occupied. I'd say my room - but it is no longer my room. How tragic. I know that I have my room and my apartment here in Germany - but I would not say that I really have a home. I feel like I don't have these feelings because I know that I'm not going to be staying here for a long time. At least not as long as I expect my parents to stay in that house - the same house I lived in since I was 6. Obviously I am going to have a place to stay when I go there but there is always a difference between staying in a room and staying in a room that is yours. Even here I wouldn't say that my room is how I would envision "my room" to be. By this I mean that there is relatively little decoration and furniture. Again I think this hesitation stems from my inability to want to root down and settle. The wanderlust factor is to high still. 

It was also interesting because during our talk we were discussing my upcoming day trip planned to Heidelberg and visit to the castle. My father who has also been there was discussing how it was sad that so much of the interior is not at all what the original would have been. I noted it was interesting that he was making mention of this after renovating my room. In 100 years when they want to turn our house into a museum people are going to be pissed. 

I also don't have that strong of a foot to stand on considering I told my parents about my extreme lack of desire to go to winnipeg. For me to even visit at the moment is not the most exciting thing. There are way more other places on my travel list that I need to see first. Although I do have about a week of holidays that are still unplanned - maybe a pop on over to see the family would be in order. At least there will be a couch to sleep on.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Today at work some unfortunate news was announced...seems that a paycut is in my least as far as my holidays.

There has been some uncertainty within the company and there is of course always the concern that I could lose my job. After all - in my department I am easily the most junior person there. I was sort of day dreaming about what I would be doing if I wasn't working where I was.

The last thing that I want to do right now is move back to Canada. I love it way to much out here. It's so strange. Even the thought of eventually finding a new job is terrifying. I wouldn't say I LOVE my job, but I do like it. I am also in a place where I do not hate anybody I work with. There are a few people that I would be ok not seeing everyday - but I like them enough that I want all the best for them. But it's just a great work place where people aren't constantly talking crap about each other. I'd say other than Larters it's the least toxic work environment I've ever had.

I think it's because everyone is so open with each other. If we are frustrated we have no problem telling someone exactly how we feel. But it is not so bad that we will say horrible things to or about someone.

I am so thankful for these things and it is scary to ever think about leaving it.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


I realize that my trip to scottsdale was very important for me. Actually - my winter vacation I think made a nice impact on me. Not being at home so much as my travels to first amsterdam and then scottsdale.

In amsterdam I purchased the museum card, which I might add more than paid for itself I was at:
- amsterdam museum
- NEMO science center
- anne frank house
- reduced at museum of modern art (there is a dutch name for it but I don't feel like looking it up)
- rijksmuseum (a wonderful christmas wander)

Fantastic deal. Especially when I plan on going back and continuing to "museum it up"

I do love art - and I almost wished that I could study art history so that I could understand it even better. Especially modern art....I mean really - what is going on!

Jackson Pollock - one of my favorites
I am going to talk about the modern art museum because I think it had the most impact on me in terms of thinking about design. There was a whole area dedicated to the design of textile and furniture and interior decoration...etc.

For me, seeing these things was confusing, because there were many things that I saw, and I think to on earth is this art. These dish towels look like what I have in my house?!

I think a lot more people would be able to appreciate modern art if someone took their hand and told them why it was art. But that's not the point of art. For me I love paintings that are completely spastic and unpredictable and confusing, but allow each viewer to see something different and have different emotions arise.
Apparently these things are art?

Then in Scottsdale I was talking with my colleague working there who is a HUGE design enthusiast. There were points where I was on the verge of not being able to pay attention because he could just go on and on.

at Taliesin West

It was great though because I felt so inspired to learn more. Being in Scottsdale was also influential, and on the last day that I was there he look me to Taliesin West which was one of the homes of Frank Lloyd Wright - an american architectural legend. It was amazing because you could really feel the philosophy of the whole place. And going with someone who was so enthusiastic felt extremely contagious.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I was at work on thursday and we are just casually hanging out around the lunch table. Somehow the topic turns to the horse meat crisis that has hit the uk lately in which a lot of beef products have been mislabeled due to the fact that they have horse meat instead of beef as it is labeled.

What my coworkers were most shocked about is that the people were grossed out about eating horse meat. Apparently eating horse meat is a thing here. This was among the "older" demographic. My one coworker who is just 18 was grossed out because of the whole fact that it is a pet, or there is some sort of relationship to the animal. Like eating your cat....

That being said, I have been really into trying a lot of different foods.

If I was in a restaurant, I would never order cat to eat myself....but if someone is like hey, you should try this...I would...

Also...a lot of people get grossed out about hot dogs because you don't know what actually goes into the product. This doesn't bother me. If I'm eating brains or hooves...I'm ok with it. Isn't it more environmentally friendly? You are after all wasting less of the product.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My postcard project

I love living in Europe - and I realize that I am very lucky and that a lot of other people are not able to travel as much as I get to.

I want to be able to sort of "share the wealth"and share my experiences with people. I am going to be taking the addresses of people for the next two weeks and then sending them postcards within the next year.

I think it's a cool project because for me it will help me remember to think of others and to realize the fortunateness of my situation. I am also hoping that people who I haven't talked to in a while send me their addresses - just a little randomly. Everyone loves getting mail, and everyone likes to be remembered. My hope is that people forget they have sent me their address and that I surprise them and make their day when i finally send the postcard.

I think at the beginning I will get more friends making requests - eventually I would love to write postcards to strangers....that would be cool too.

So if you have any interest, send me an email with your address and I promise to send you a postcard within the next year!!

Also - feel free to share with your other friends. I will write everyone!

Monday, February 4, 2013

How the Holiday Inn left me coatless in Germany

I was lucky enough to be sent to Scottsdale, AZ just under a month ago to do some training with our subsidiary there. While my time in Scottsdale was highly enjoyable - a situation arising from lack of customer service at the holiday inn has got me troubled. It began the morning of my departure. I had a shuttle scheduled to pick me up at around 4:25 am. I was ready a little earlier and was just doing some final packing when the phone rang. It was 4:15. I quickly threw the rest of my things into my bag and rushed out the door....

It was about halfway to the airport when I realized I didn't have my jacket with me. I was so upset. I had purposely left my old jacket back in amsterdam so that I could collect this jacket (my favourite - and an expensive one at that!) in Winnipeg. Why had I not taken this previously? Luggage restrictions are to restricting when moving intercontinentally. When I got to the airport I had to figure out how I was going to get this jacket back. I remembered then the power of twitter. By the time that I had arrived in Toronto I had received a response from @IHGcare after tweeting @HolidayInn. Fantastic. I was going to be able to get my jacket back! Some how the internet wasn't working that great on my iPhone so I waited until I got back to Germany and sent a message to the customer care representative. Jacket-less I may add.

I will highlight a bit of a timeline so that you can follow to proceeding events a little easier

Monday January 14th
I received an email saying that my concerns would be forwarded to the hotel I stayed at. I naturally thanked her and waited patiently. She also said they would contact me directly within 48 hours.

(January 16th - jacket)

Friday January 18th
I still hadn't received word from scottsdale and emailed IHG care again. I received an answer saying my additional comments have been added and that she spoke with the manager who would be contacting me that day.

Then the response

I just spoke with our Corporate Guest Relations about your jacket.  I greatly apologize that we have not responded to your inquiry - it seems as though I did not see the notification come through from them. I will touch base with our executive Housekeeper immediately to ensure that we do have the jacket.  My sincerest apologies!

I hope you all note the word immediately.

Saturday February 2nd 
I was very lenient and gave quite some time. I sent an email wondering why I had received no response.

Then today Monday February 4th
I received this:

I thought I had emailed you back letting you know that we did not recover a jacket - apparently I neglected to do so.  Looking through our lost and found records there was no jacket left in room 101 around the time of your departure.  I apologize for the inconvenience but if there is anything else we can do to assist you please let us know.

She either is to stressed to realize what is going on...or just doesn't care. I understand that it is just a jacket - but the lack of empathy is damaging to my impression of this chain, and moreover what kind of work ethic is this manager demonstrating to her employees. How often does this happen that emails just don't get responded to? As a service provider your customers should not have to push you for a response.

I also feel like she is essentially calling me a liar. I know for a fact that I had that jacket with me. I saw it everyday for 6 days. I know that I didn't bring it with me. There's no where else it could have gone. The only explanation is that it was taken by whoever was cleaning, which also sucks. It's also's not cold enough for that jacket in scottsdale. I also had a scarf that I purchased in budapest in there. I'm just really disappointed. I understand if the jacket isn't there. I also wonder if the jacket was there and she just doesn't want to spend the money to ship it to me. But jokes on them, because I would have gladly paid to have it shipped to them.

In General I feel like there are a lot of things that get left behind at hotels. I don't understand why hotels wouldn't try to contact the guests who have left things behind. Nearly everyone has email these days. You don't even have to pay for the shipping. Just let them know where something is. I personally take responsibility for leaving my stuff behind - but I'd feel a lot better knowing where I left it and have the option to get it back.

Well Holiday Inn/IHG are welcome for providing this write up free of charge. I hope that something is done about this because I almost feel moderately offended.

Friday, January 25, 2013


I was thinking today how there are some people that have things they can't go a day without. Or things that they always MUST do or their day is not complete. These are things like exercising, or moisturizing...little things that are just for you. As ritualized as I apparently seem to be, I do not have anything that needs to be done daily. Everything that I do I can do without. Heaven forbid I go out without makeup or brushing my teeth.

In my life I cannot think of any one thing that I have been consistently passion for. I have been thinking about going back to school and was talking to a colleague at work who still is studying and in the Geramn university system it is not as flexible for just taking one class at a time. What I want to do would be much easier in North America. Then he asked what I would want to study. That's a whole other thing. I have no idea.

I think the thing that I'm most passionate about is learning. But then I fall further down this thought hole and wonder if it's because I'm trying to fill some void, or trying to find something that I'm passionate about. Have I just not found something yet or do I just love experiences.

I think about moments when I feel happiest and it's when I'm just doing and not thinking, or having a good conversation with someone, or learning new things and seeing new places. I of course want to eventually be able to find some way to apply these passions into my life so that I can use what I love to propel myself forward and create positive and leave good and contribute.

I obviously have to think about the future in some sense but the road is just so open that I don't want to get so far down one path that I lose sight of everything else because it's ok to change your mind later (which is something I keep telling myself). I just don't want to have to start on some alien planet.

I also don't want to be one of those people that just doesn't know things. I like to know things because it helps me connect with more types of people.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

religious festivals

I was shopping in town today and was heading sort of the direction of home and happened upon a loud chorus of drummers drumming. I was a little bit bewildered at what was going on, especially when I approached the area and saw people wearing Jester hats. Not gimmicky party animal ones - like legit with patches of honour on them.

I have literally just come home and immediately had to find out what was going on. I knew it has something to do with Fasching (which is the German Carnival - also on my list of things to do in Brasil). Apparently it was the Fools welcoming the new year. I guess Epiphany is over...? Someone help here?

I think religious festivals seem so fun, and what a great thing to celebrate. I think they are the last holidays that have been over over commercialized although Fasching is quite commercial in Germany. Not so much though that the Chinese are celebrating (More often now, the young Chinese people celebrate Christmas without any regard to the actual meaning).

But how amazing would it be to celebrate the religious festivals like 200 years ago, presuming you are catholic, presuming you live in Baden Württemberg or Bavaria. Literally the best excuse ever to go wild with your friends. No one is going to be getting on your case because you are celebrating your religion. It's basically a get out of hell free card and I have the feeling that everyone got in on the action. Also, back in the day, no one had to work on these holidays. People have truly forgotten the lost art of having nothing to do and having a real day off. That's one of the reasons that I love German Sundays; because I don't have to do anything.

I think that more religious festivals should be celebrated.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

the rules of running

I am no authority on the whole running thing that people seem to be into...exercise? maybe later.

To be honest I do exercise sometimes. Last week in arizona I worked out everyday...go figure.

But I think that you should not be allowed to run on two days of the and new years day. I kind of decided this should be a rule after seeing a bunch of people running in amsterdam on christmas. I did not like this. You should be relaxing. Relaxing is very important. I don't care who you need time off. There are no other days in the year that you have guaranteed as a holiday and I think that these days should not be spent running. You should be doing something that you wouldn't be able to do everyday of the year. It should be something special because finally you have the time to do it. It's a holiday for everyone. I also don't want to see people around me running because it bothers me that they are not doing something special.

If you want to run on your birthday however that is your own perogative. It's not going to ruin anyone else's day and it's your day so you can do what you want.

This will literally change nothing in anyones life.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

romanos macaroni grill

This week has brought me to the wonderful warm desert city of scottsdale arizona. Being here on business affords me the opportunity to eat at various restaurants. As a food enthusiast this is awesome for me!

This evenings "treat" was romanos macaroni grill. As someone who is often cynical of american cooking I figured this would be an interesting experience. As some of you know I am somewhat of a snob, and living in europe has not helped this fact. I am very lucky to have been exposed to some very tasty food. Actually being italy (despite the briefness), and tasting foods from Italy has made me quite cynical of the tastes of the common american. By that I mean I expect to have them call something italian and me laughing at them because it is not at all. The same way that hard shell tacos are apparently mexican.

Anyways I went into the restaurant with very low expectations. It was a very interesting atmosphere. I would describe it as South by South ish Italy. There was dim lighting which to me creates a little bit more of a grown up atmosphere, but then they had the paper table clothes and my server (catelyn) demonstrated her ability to write her name upside down.

She asked me if I'd ever been there before - no I hadn't. She then took me on a wonderful tour around my menu. Thanks - I am able to read. I was also offered the opportunity to try the house chianti. No thank you. I asked what was on tap..."peroni, miller, peroni....." (she said peroni twice). Luckily I happen to quite enjoy peroni so I was pretty pumped about that.

On the tour I was also shown that there were some tapas available. First off...totally different genre. Second off, I'm 90 % sure most of those were just something that got thrown in a deep fryer, which was not at all what I wanted. They also had italian nachos available. mmmm nah

I had a difficult time not letting the laughter of cynicism erupt from my mouth.

I had to take some time in choosing and eventually settled on the pollo caprese. Did I want a salad with that...screw it why not.

While waiting I was also brought some bread to enjoy with olive oil. It was ok, but it was the kind of bread that you really don't want to eat after it has cooled off. I then received my salad, with ice still on the bowl. Perfect. I was saving it for after my dinner anyways.

Then my food came...and to be honest it was not near as bad as I thought. It came with real mozzarella pieces and the sauce had a great amount of kick. I was happy to be proven wrong. As far as real food taste it absolutely beats olive garden.

After my dinner I ate the salad and catelyn slides over the desert menu ever so non casually.

I had to laugh at the end, I had few bites left of my chicken breast...did I want that wrapped up. No...this is nothing.

I said no, and no to the desert and got my bill immediatly. I didn't like that because I felt more rushed than I wanted to be. Not that I had a real reason to stay.

I totally felt like a cog in the machine. She didn't give a rats behind whether or not I enjoyed my food. As long as I didn't dis-enjoy it.

In general...great restaurants rarely have TVs in them, and this restaurant had 1.

Also - so many cacti here