Saturday, January 8, 2011

christmas post

Merry Christmas...

yeah, I'm a little late, but I finally remembered what I wanted to talk about. I don't know if anyone else has this, but in your family do people use the same gift bags over and over? I love this old sense of familiarity and seeing the ghosts or empty shells of christmas past. I know that there is one giant bag I have likely seen 5 years in a row now. I love the reuse of gift bags (environmentally friendly) solely for this reason. IT's like an old friend coming back to visit you.

So another story...yesterday at work I found out that someone is Jehovahs Witness. I don't know alot about the whole JW thing and so we got on talking, and she tried to out-religion me.She started with the question of why we celebrate christmas on the 25th because it doesn't say anywhere that Jesus was born on the 25th. This also got me thinking that JW must spend a lot of time being critical of other beliefs...not to say that historically christians have been much better in many situations. Anyways, I was finally in a situation where I was able to come up with the right answer at the right time. Not only did I come up with it but I actually knew it. It's adapted from the pagan holiday and during the whole time of the roman empire it was adopted because it was already a holiday. Bring it! Then she also told me about how the bible says that the shepherds were sleeping in the fields and that it would be to cold, even in Israel for people to sleep outside so we know it's not winter. That seems like a pretty week argument though.

I'm watching gilmore girls right now and it's one of those 'awkward dinners' where no one talks. Do you ever find yourself in that situation? Often if I do, I just sit an eat and try not to think about how awkward it is. Then I just continue on...another proof of how things are always dependant on your mindset. If you go in thinking how awkward a situation that's all you are going to remember about and that's going to reflect on your opinion of that event.

1 comment:

  1. What's her foundation for that argument? Lol, that Christianity is faulty because we don't know the exact date of a birth that was 2000+ years ago? COM'ON!
