Friday, January 25, 2013


I was thinking today how there are some people that have things they can't go a day without. Or things that they always MUST do or their day is not complete. These are things like exercising, or moisturizing...little things that are just for you. As ritualized as I apparently seem to be, I do not have anything that needs to be done daily. Everything that I do I can do without. Heaven forbid I go out without makeup or brushing my teeth.

In my life I cannot think of any one thing that I have been consistently passion for. I have been thinking about going back to school and was talking to a colleague at work who still is studying and in the Geramn university system it is not as flexible for just taking one class at a time. What I want to do would be much easier in North America. Then he asked what I would want to study. That's a whole other thing. I have no idea.

I think the thing that I'm most passionate about is learning. But then I fall further down this thought hole and wonder if it's because I'm trying to fill some void, or trying to find something that I'm passionate about. Have I just not found something yet or do I just love experiences.

I think about moments when I feel happiest and it's when I'm just doing and not thinking, or having a good conversation with someone, or learning new things and seeing new places. I of course want to eventually be able to find some way to apply these passions into my life so that I can use what I love to propel myself forward and create positive and leave good and contribute.

I obviously have to think about the future in some sense but the road is just so open that I don't want to get so far down one path that I lose sight of everything else because it's ok to change your mind later (which is something I keep telling myself). I just don't want to have to start on some alien planet.

I also don't want to be one of those people that just doesn't know things. I like to know things because it helps me connect with more types of people.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

religious festivals

I was shopping in town today and was heading sort of the direction of home and happened upon a loud chorus of drummers drumming. I was a little bit bewildered at what was going on, especially when I approached the area and saw people wearing Jester hats. Not gimmicky party animal ones - like legit with patches of honour on them.

I have literally just come home and immediately had to find out what was going on. I knew it has something to do with Fasching (which is the German Carnival - also on my list of things to do in Brasil). Apparently it was the Fools welcoming the new year. I guess Epiphany is over...? Someone help here?

I think religious festivals seem so fun, and what a great thing to celebrate. I think they are the last holidays that have been over over commercialized although Fasching is quite commercial in Germany. Not so much though that the Chinese are celebrating (More often now, the young Chinese people celebrate Christmas without any regard to the actual meaning).

But how amazing would it be to celebrate the religious festivals like 200 years ago, presuming you are catholic, presuming you live in Baden Württemberg or Bavaria. Literally the best excuse ever to go wild with your friends. No one is going to be getting on your case because you are celebrating your religion. It's basically a get out of hell free card and I have the feeling that everyone got in on the action. Also, back in the day, no one had to work on these holidays. People have truly forgotten the lost art of having nothing to do and having a real day off. That's one of the reasons that I love German Sundays; because I don't have to do anything.

I think that more religious festivals should be celebrated.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

the rules of running

I am no authority on the whole running thing that people seem to be into...exercise? maybe later.

To be honest I do exercise sometimes. Last week in arizona I worked out everyday...go figure.

But I think that you should not be allowed to run on two days of the and new years day. I kind of decided this should be a rule after seeing a bunch of people running in amsterdam on christmas. I did not like this. You should be relaxing. Relaxing is very important. I don't care who you need time off. There are no other days in the year that you have guaranteed as a holiday and I think that these days should not be spent running. You should be doing something that you wouldn't be able to do everyday of the year. It should be something special because finally you have the time to do it. It's a holiday for everyone. I also don't want to see people around me running because it bothers me that they are not doing something special.

If you want to run on your birthday however that is your own perogative. It's not going to ruin anyone else's day and it's your day so you can do what you want.

This will literally change nothing in anyones life.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

romanos macaroni grill

This week has brought me to the wonderful warm desert city of scottsdale arizona. Being here on business affords me the opportunity to eat at various restaurants. As a food enthusiast this is awesome for me!

This evenings "treat" was romanos macaroni grill. As someone who is often cynical of american cooking I figured this would be an interesting experience. As some of you know I am somewhat of a snob, and living in europe has not helped this fact. I am very lucky to have been exposed to some very tasty food. Actually being italy (despite the briefness), and tasting foods from Italy has made me quite cynical of the tastes of the common american. By that I mean I expect to have them call something italian and me laughing at them because it is not at all. The same way that hard shell tacos are apparently mexican.

Anyways I went into the restaurant with very low expectations. It was a very interesting atmosphere. I would describe it as South by South ish Italy. There was dim lighting which to me creates a little bit more of a grown up atmosphere, but then they had the paper table clothes and my server (catelyn) demonstrated her ability to write her name upside down.

She asked me if I'd ever been there before - no I hadn't. She then took me on a wonderful tour around my menu. Thanks - I am able to read. I was also offered the opportunity to try the house chianti. No thank you. I asked what was on tap..."peroni, miller, peroni....." (she said peroni twice). Luckily I happen to quite enjoy peroni so I was pretty pumped about that.

On the tour I was also shown that there were some tapas available. First off...totally different genre. Second off, I'm 90 % sure most of those were just something that got thrown in a deep fryer, which was not at all what I wanted. They also had italian nachos available. mmmm nah

I had a difficult time not letting the laughter of cynicism erupt from my mouth.

I had to take some time in choosing and eventually settled on the pollo caprese. Did I want a salad with that...screw it why not.

While waiting I was also brought some bread to enjoy with olive oil. It was ok, but it was the kind of bread that you really don't want to eat after it has cooled off. I then received my salad, with ice still on the bowl. Perfect. I was saving it for after my dinner anyways.

Then my food came...and to be honest it was not near as bad as I thought. It came with real mozzarella pieces and the sauce had a great amount of kick. I was happy to be proven wrong. As far as real food taste it absolutely beats olive garden.

After my dinner I ate the salad and catelyn slides over the desert menu ever so non casually.

I had to laugh at the end, I had few bites left of my chicken breast...did I want that wrapped up. No...this is nothing.

I said no, and no to the desert and got my bill immediatly. I didn't like that because I felt more rushed than I wanted to be. Not that I had a real reason to stay.

I totally felt like a cog in the machine. She didn't give a rats behind whether or not I enjoyed my food. As long as I didn't dis-enjoy it.

In general...great restaurants rarely have TVs in them, and this restaurant had 1.

Also - so many cacti here