Saturday, May 11, 2013

being away from mom and dad

I was reminded again yesterday that sunday is mothers day. For me mothers day is an annual event that I usually forget. Usually I will be reminded that day in church (usually I'm also in church because I'm newly home from school) and then I will whisper to my mom.

For us it's not a big day. It's in the same category as valentines day. It's nice to celebrate, but I'm not going all out for it.

It's also crazy to think, I have been away from my mother (and father) for about 6 years. I find that so strange. It's weird to think that we have spent 6 years apart (summers not included for the 5 years). I miss living with them. They were the best roommates I ever had!

I also realize that I can't stay a child forever but I am definitely feeling that I am almost completely in the category of having an adult relationship with my parents. I'm sure this is part of my lack of financial dependence as well (although I still owe them from school).

I am excited to travel with them this summer too. During uni I was never able to make family trips with them...but now the old tradition begins again!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

pre accension day party

Last night I was at an apartment party. I arrived there with Ina and we climbed up the stairs (side note> I am not used to climbing stairs anymore). and where greeted by a cloud of fog generated from a smoke machine. I saw into the "dance room" there were few people but every other room was crowded up. We eventually found Vero and chatted for a bit and we're like lets dance.

Then we didn't stop. We didn't really know anyone there and didn't really have the desire to talk to anyone. I realized at one point that everyone seemed to be pretty young and I asked Vero who said she overheard people talking about their end of high school tests. It was then I realized that we were the old weird ladies who didn't socialize with anyone and just danced without pause for 3 hours.

It was really fun to just think about ourselves as strangers at this party not caring about anything.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

coincidences of today

Today seems weirdly full of coincidences:
- one of my facebook friends is posting pictures of paris...where I was earlier
- On the train home from paris I passed through mannheim, meaning I passed by the university I attended there. The last time I was in mannheim was to write my last university exam - which was last may 4th (I only remember because of may the 4th be with you) - but crazy that it was almost to the year.
- I'm watching the SNL episode from yesterday which has host Zach Galifinakis paired with of monsters and men - a band that I love. The last time Zach was on he was there with vampire weekend - whom I also love! They play next week with Kristin Wiig.
- I also discovered of Monsters and men nearly a year ago to this day

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Queens Day

This week I had three days off. My goal was already to go to Paris for the weekend - I figured it was time. Then about a month ago I found out that the dutch were going to celebrate queens day on the 30th of April. Seeing as I am about 16.23% dutch (at least by association) I figured that it would be ok to celebrate.

The moment I got off of work on monday I was on my way straight to the train set for Amsterdam. Only the 3rd trip there within 4 months. That night was queens night - so dubbed by the Dutch as the next day was off anyways - so they better start partying as soon as possible.

So I quickly got ready and we headed off the see some outdoor concert. It was mostly people just standing and drinking outside. It was also being enforced this year that only one drink was allowed in ones possession; this seems very alleged from my experience.

The next day was almost more orange than one should see in a lifetime. But I even told the girls I was with - if you aren't wearing orange on this day I can't respect you. There was no excuse not to have any on!

The Day of the coronation was filled with merriment and about 1 million drunken dutch people partying and wandering around.

Also a bunch of dutch people trying to sell just about anything. The most interesting were the kids selling whatever. One highlight was the opportunity to kiss a frog. Another kid was selling portraits. Most people though would just set up their stuff like a flea market and try and sell it. The reason they do it on this day is because you can sell things on the street without a license and without having to pay the taxes.

The best part of my day was being able to wear a cape.

Paris Day 1

It is totally weird being in Paris.

It think that every time I go somewhere new I need to make it a "first" of something. So among a few firsts is the fact that I am alone in a new country where I don't know the language. It is amazing though how much you will remember. I popped into starbucks for a espresso macchiato. And the entire transaction occurred in french. Thank goodness I have a french name!

I think that today it was really made obvious just how different the histories of major cities are - and how the architecture has been so affected by this. Each city kind of gives you that different impression. Berlin - influenced by WWII, Hungary - influence of years of being invaded by everyone. Amsterdam - a shipping city also welcoming sailors ...and Paris - is a city ruled by war and conquest. So many things that I saw today were influenced by the winning of battles and military activities. I don't think it has ever been so obvious and in my face as it was today.

Comparing to Germany it was also quite obvious with the difference between the victors and the losers of the second world war. One thing that makes me quite sad is that there are a lot of monuments (etc.) that got destroyed during the war meaning that we can't enjoy them now. Not the case in Paris.

I will say however that Paris did remind me moderately of being in Rome because there are so many things and it is so chaotic. Don't ever drive here. Seriously! It's just baffling that people live in these places and have normal lives. It would be so weird living in the city that receives annually the most tourists.

so far I like it though. But three days is NOT enough time!!

Also - french people have been super nice. I have not had anyone be a jerk yet. I'm sure the waiter at the restaurant wanted to be and would have been, but I made sure that I was sitting near other people who also spoke english. That also meant that me ordering food at 19:30 wasn't as weird... I don't know what time people eat here but all I know is that tomorrow I am going to have a much bigger lunch so I don't have to worry about it!!!

Steak frites here I come!