Sunday, October 3, 2010

2nd baseball post

So I said that there were a couple of good stories from the baseball game.

1. After visiting the VIP section, we were going to take the elevator down to the main level where our seats were. We were not allowed to take our open beverages onto the elevator so they all took the stairs. Sadly I was the last through and the only one to notice the sign saying that was an exit only, and there was re-entry allowed. I decided that I needed to be a hero so I was going to rush down and let them back in. Unfourtunatly I tried a little bit to hard to play the hero card and I was completely unaware of how to skydome works. This also left me separated from the entire group. Another problem is that I did not have my cell phone with me, thus NO PHONE NUMBERS! Luckily I have encountered this kind of situation before (one where I try to be a hero and get lost), and so I realized that I was not going to make it down the stairs in time. I had to take another I got a lid and got on and made it down. Unfortunately I arrived on the main floor and there was no one to be found. I was feeling really dumb at this point. I made my way right over to someone standing near some doors and explained my situation. She then directed me to an attendant who let me use a phone. I tried calling becky 4 times, then finally she picked up. The day was saved! I was rescued. Thank goodness.

2. When we first arrived downtown it was not time for the game to start and so we went to this place called real sports bar. We were completely mesmerized by the number of TV's. This place was packed. We were also seriously underdressed. Many people had just come from work and were still wearing their suits and what not. Iggy was not prepared at all. He was wearing a long sleeve T-shirt and basketball shorts. As soon as we got there we all had a good laugh at our unpreparedness of the situation. It was a really cool place though. Probably had the largest screen I have ever seen and it probably had 100 tvs in the place. We then had a few drinks there and jeff and his buddy ordered some nachos and they were amazing. They had pulled pork on them. I had a tough time cutting myself off.

3. So for most of the game I did not pay attention. Instead I spent my entire time yelling at Swisher, one of the yankee right-fielders. It was great because he was totally able to hear us. We also got the entire section taunting. Iggy also said that he was right in front of the ballboy who had his head in his glove because he was laughing so hard.

4. There was one part of the night where there was a sign saying 'David Robert's the freshest name in nuts'. So I turned to becky and said 'I don't mean to be a bitch, but that's not how I want to be known' The guy sitting in front of us heard and totally kept turning around the entire evening. He was loving our conversations. We were to rockstars of our section.

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