Sunday, February 17, 2013


I realize that my trip to scottsdale was very important for me. Actually - my winter vacation I think made a nice impact on me. Not being at home so much as my travels to first amsterdam and then scottsdale.

In amsterdam I purchased the museum card, which I might add more than paid for itself I was at:
- amsterdam museum
- NEMO science center
- anne frank house
- reduced at museum of modern art (there is a dutch name for it but I don't feel like looking it up)
- rijksmuseum (a wonderful christmas wander)

Fantastic deal. Especially when I plan on going back and continuing to "museum it up"

I do love art - and I almost wished that I could study art history so that I could understand it even better. Especially modern art....I mean really - what is going on!

Jackson Pollock - one of my favorites
I am going to talk about the modern art museum because I think it had the most impact on me in terms of thinking about design. There was a whole area dedicated to the design of textile and furniture and interior decoration...etc.

For me, seeing these things was confusing, because there were many things that I saw, and I think to on earth is this art. These dish towels look like what I have in my house?!

I think a lot more people would be able to appreciate modern art if someone took their hand and told them why it was art. But that's not the point of art. For me I love paintings that are completely spastic and unpredictable and confusing, but allow each viewer to see something different and have different emotions arise.
Apparently these things are art?

Then in Scottsdale I was talking with my colleague working there who is a HUGE design enthusiast. There were points where I was on the verge of not being able to pay attention because he could just go on and on.

at Taliesin West

It was great though because I felt so inspired to learn more. Being in Scottsdale was also influential, and on the last day that I was there he look me to Taliesin West which was one of the homes of Frank Lloyd Wright - an american architectural legend. It was amazing because you could really feel the philosophy of the whole place. And going with someone who was so enthusiastic felt extremely contagious.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I was at work on thursday and we are just casually hanging out around the lunch table. Somehow the topic turns to the horse meat crisis that has hit the uk lately in which a lot of beef products have been mislabeled due to the fact that they have horse meat instead of beef as it is labeled.

What my coworkers were most shocked about is that the people were grossed out about eating horse meat. Apparently eating horse meat is a thing here. This was among the "older" demographic. My one coworker who is just 18 was grossed out because of the whole fact that it is a pet, or there is some sort of relationship to the animal. Like eating your cat....

That being said, I have been really into trying a lot of different foods.

If I was in a restaurant, I would never order cat to eat myself....but if someone is like hey, you should try this...I would...

Also...a lot of people get grossed out about hot dogs because you don't know what actually goes into the product. This doesn't bother me. If I'm eating brains or hooves...I'm ok with it. Isn't it more environmentally friendly? You are after all wasting less of the product.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

My postcard project

I love living in Europe - and I realize that I am very lucky and that a lot of other people are not able to travel as much as I get to.

I want to be able to sort of "share the wealth"and share my experiences with people. I am going to be taking the addresses of people for the next two weeks and then sending them postcards within the next year.

I think it's a cool project because for me it will help me remember to think of others and to realize the fortunateness of my situation. I am also hoping that people who I haven't talked to in a while send me their addresses - just a little randomly. Everyone loves getting mail, and everyone likes to be remembered. My hope is that people forget they have sent me their address and that I surprise them and make their day when i finally send the postcard.

I think at the beginning I will get more friends making requests - eventually I would love to write postcards to strangers....that would be cool too.

So if you have any interest, send me an email with your address and I promise to send you a postcard within the next year!!

Also - feel free to share with your other friends. I will write everyone!

Monday, February 4, 2013

How the Holiday Inn left me coatless in Germany

I was lucky enough to be sent to Scottsdale, AZ just under a month ago to do some training with our subsidiary there. While my time in Scottsdale was highly enjoyable - a situation arising from lack of customer service at the holiday inn has got me troubled. It began the morning of my departure. I had a shuttle scheduled to pick me up at around 4:25 am. I was ready a little earlier and was just doing some final packing when the phone rang. It was 4:15. I quickly threw the rest of my things into my bag and rushed out the door....

It was about halfway to the airport when I realized I didn't have my jacket with me. I was so upset. I had purposely left my old jacket back in amsterdam so that I could collect this jacket (my favourite - and an expensive one at that!) in Winnipeg. Why had I not taken this previously? Luggage restrictions are to restricting when moving intercontinentally. When I got to the airport I had to figure out how I was going to get this jacket back. I remembered then the power of twitter. By the time that I had arrived in Toronto I had received a response from @IHGcare after tweeting @HolidayInn. Fantastic. I was going to be able to get my jacket back! Some how the internet wasn't working that great on my iPhone so I waited until I got back to Germany and sent a message to the customer care representative. Jacket-less I may add.

I will highlight a bit of a timeline so that you can follow to proceeding events a little easier

Monday January 14th
I received an email saying that my concerns would be forwarded to the hotel I stayed at. I naturally thanked her and waited patiently. She also said they would contact me directly within 48 hours.

(January 16th - jacket)

Friday January 18th
I still hadn't received word from scottsdale and emailed IHG care again. I received an answer saying my additional comments have been added and that she spoke with the manager who would be contacting me that day.

Then the response

I just spoke with our Corporate Guest Relations about your jacket.  I greatly apologize that we have not responded to your inquiry - it seems as though I did not see the notification come through from them. I will touch base with our executive Housekeeper immediately to ensure that we do have the jacket.  My sincerest apologies!

I hope you all note the word immediately.

Saturday February 2nd 
I was very lenient and gave quite some time. I sent an email wondering why I had received no response.

Then today Monday February 4th
I received this:

I thought I had emailed you back letting you know that we did not recover a jacket - apparently I neglected to do so.  Looking through our lost and found records there was no jacket left in room 101 around the time of your departure.  I apologize for the inconvenience but if there is anything else we can do to assist you please let us know.

She either is to stressed to realize what is going on...or just doesn't care. I understand that it is just a jacket - but the lack of empathy is damaging to my impression of this chain, and moreover what kind of work ethic is this manager demonstrating to her employees. How often does this happen that emails just don't get responded to? As a service provider your customers should not have to push you for a response.

I also feel like she is essentially calling me a liar. I know for a fact that I had that jacket with me. I saw it everyday for 6 days. I know that I didn't bring it with me. There's no where else it could have gone. The only explanation is that it was taken by whoever was cleaning, which also sucks. It's also's not cold enough for that jacket in scottsdale. I also had a scarf that I purchased in budapest in there. I'm just really disappointed. I understand if the jacket isn't there. I also wonder if the jacket was there and she just doesn't want to spend the money to ship it to me. But jokes on them, because I would have gladly paid to have it shipped to them.

In General I feel like there are a lot of things that get left behind at hotels. I don't understand why hotels wouldn't try to contact the guests who have left things behind. Nearly everyone has email these days. You don't even have to pay for the shipping. Just let them know where something is. I personally take responsibility for leaving my stuff behind - but I'd feel a lot better knowing where I left it and have the option to get it back.

Well Holiday Inn/IHG are welcome for providing this write up free of charge. I hope that something is done about this because I almost feel moderately offended.