Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So my cousin graduated from grade 12 today from MBCI, which is the same school that I graduated.

Interestingly there were I think 6 people that I graduated with who had younger siblings in that class.

For those of you that don't know it is a very small school and pretty well connected. It is also a christian school and I feel like I noticed more in her grad that it was much more overtly religious. The parent giving the address was very good (although my favourite commencement speech was the one given by conan O'brien this year at dartmouth).

The thing that struck me the most that I remember from my time at MBCI came with the student awards. Basically if you aren't a good contributing christian you better hope that you're smart if you want to win an award. There was such a favouritism for those people who were basically goodie-two shoes. Just because you aren't in worship band or didn't go on any missions trips it doesn't mean that you are a "worse" christian. It would have been nice to have a "Ms. Congeniality" type of award. I like to think that I would have won that. From my years away at university it seemed that those who were smarter likely may hve had some more struggles in university because I like to think those less smart people had more social skills which is really the most important thing. You can get fantastic grades but it does not guarantee jobs. NETWORKING, PEOPLE!!!!!

Another thing that seemed stress was about following God and good things will happen. I do believe this, but just because you follow God it doesn't mean bad stuff won't happen to you. It also seemed to focus on material wealth and value as well. It seems that MBCI may be getting a little bit more corporate than I remember. I also got the message that success for MBCI is defined by getting a good job as mentioned in the valedictory address, and the way Fred Pauls was talking made it sound like you are going to be unsuccessful if you don't attend some sort of post-secondary institution...I feel a little bad for those students who weren't. All in all it just seemed like there was a high pressure on material success for those grads.

My advice to those grads....

- don't sell yourself short, don't give up and say yes!

Friday, June 24, 2011

you know you're a benchwarmer when

So when I played club volleyball back in high school, my skills were better used on the bench as opposed to on the court. Surprisingly, I hate being cheerful and supportive, but I got over it here. So obviously I had something to do to fill up my time, so Hannah and Karina and I came up with the following list that was posted on facebook. I was reminded of this group yesterday when running into one of my old teammates at an international volleyball match, which really wasn't exciting.

Feel free to enjoy the following list
1) You go home after a game to shower, only because you have pen all over you.

2) You bring a first aid kit for the sole reason of trimming your nails with the scissors.

3) You can't join the celebratory team hug because you are too busy writing down the last play and final score.

4) You lose your water bottle.. but thats ok.

5) The only reason you had a water bottle, was for everyone else to use.

6) You're warmest before the game starts.

7) You always look good in the team picture

8) You know everyones stats on your team and the other team.. And the other team.

9) When the game starts, your presence is so uneccesary that your coach asks you to go track down all the balls you lost from warm up.

10) If you DO get the chance to start, when you shake hands at the beginning you say good game instead of good luck.

11) Everybody else goes home with bruised knees, sore ankles and sprained fingers. You go home with a sore ass.

12) During tournaments everyone else gets more expirience, a little more practice in games. The only thing you get better at is playing pepper.

13) You get looks from other players who wonder if you've always been on that team.

14) You get odd looks from your coach because he can't remember you either (or at least your name)

15) You sat the entire season but were able to win the B side of beach provincials with underhand serving. (Bench Warmer extraordinaire)

Another interesting fact from the game yesterday is that I played against two people who were on the national team...and starting!

Actually that's not true, I served maybe like three points and then got subbed out when we lost the ball.

Monday, June 20, 2011


So I did it...or tried to.

I have a significant amount of money that is currently owed to the University of Mannheim. This is to cover the first month of rent plus a deposit. Needless to say I had to deposit my latest paycheck in order to cover this amount. Yowza...

Anyways, this story is not about me complaining about how much money I owe. This story is about the people working at the bank...specifically their clothing choices. My mother hates going to steinbach credit union because they all have to wear uniforms and she feels that they are all just cogs in the machine. Personally I don't mind. Today I went to the scotiabank downtown and my appreciation for uniforms grew. The clothing choices worn by the employees at scotiabank just seemed so appropriate. The downtown location of this scotiabank would lead me to assume many important people would use this bank, hence one would want to trust these people with your money. The way these people were dressed did not inspire confidence within the company.

By no means do I expect everyone to dress exactly the same because not everyone looks good in the same thing. There are a few guidelines as far as business casual that I believe do need to be adhered to. If I ever had a business these rules would be enforced.

1. No visible tattoos. I have a tattoo, and I see nothing wrong with them. Sadly, they may not be appreciated by all people. I don't want to see someones entire legs covered with tattoos because they can be seen by some as offensive for some in a formal setting. I also just don't see them as classy, not to mention, the older they are the worse they look. I don't really know if I have any way to justify it so I'll just have to leave it at that.

2. To add to these tattoos, legs should be covered. I'm sorry to all middle aged women out there but there are a lot of you that simply should not have your legs out for the world to see. There was one women who had on a skirt much to small for my tastes, and likely most other peoples tastes as well. To top it off she was wearing a denim jacket which was much to casual for the work place. It was all around just a poor choice for a bank.

3. No cleavage. This was also an issue in my work place and I often see way more breast-age of larger women than I really want to. To be honest I don't find it offensive if you are a smaller person and they aren't flopping around everywhere.

4. I don't like those really cheap looking jackets from like sirens that have the lace in the back. It it's nicer high quality lace it's not bad, but especially that crochet stuff - it looks passe. And again, not bank appropriate.

5. So I do love leggings, and I get the hole leggings as pants is a no no and I have on occasion broken this rule...whatever.Leggings however should NEVER be worn to work. Personally I hate 3/4 length leggings for the most part. The one girl was wearing this style as seen above with the lace on the bottom. That just doesn't work.

These are just my observations towards a bank where you want to be able to trust people with your money. It seemed as though people were trying to dress much to young and from that I interpret that they are not taking themselves seriously, therefore, why should I take them seriously.

I must add as well, that the men were dressed quite handsomely, and were not hard on the eyes either...Good job boys.

There were some other babes downtown too...that is one reason I love going down there. I guess I have a thing for business suits

Monday, June 13, 2011

some nuggets from my past

So I have a story I want to share...what has prompted these? This comes from reading about germany and learning that they hate lateness and that everything there is EXACTLY on time!

So when I was in grade 8 I played premier soccer. Not only was I not really well liked on the team, I also didn't really get to play that much. Needless to say, although I didn't realize it at the one really liked me or wanted me there. I was oblivious to this fact at the time. I did realize that my coaches didn't really like me.

So one day I decided that seeing the new fast and furious movie (the second from the series) to celebrate school being done. I had a soccer practice that night and so I did need to watch the time to make sure I could make it home in time. I knew going to the movie was cutting it close but I wanted to do something cool with my friends. There were a whole bunch of people going! So anyways, I was keeping watch of the time and it came to the point where I knew I had to leave in order to catch the bus so I left about 20 minutes short of the end of the movie. I went outside to wait for the 77route because I knew it would take me past my house. So as I was riding I realized the route we were taking was completely not what I was expecting. Before I knew it I was realizing that my dad was going to be pissed. I knew that I had to let him know I was on my way but there was no one on the I can't believe I had this audacity, but I asked the bus driver if I could borrow his cell phone! I don't think that I could ever do that now-a-days. But anyways...he said no! I get it though, however about 20 minutes later he beckoned me up to the front and allowed me to call father.

He was not impressed but there was nothing that could be done at that point. So I realized that I should have taken another bus to get there faster. To add insult to injury, at the point I could have transferred, two friends that I was at the movie with got on. Yikes. So I eventually made it to my stop like an hour and a half later and RAN home. I got rushed (late) to soccer practice and I cried to my coach because I felt so bad.

So basically I have hated being late since forever and this probably spurred this on even further. I even try to be late and I just can't do it!

So there you go.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

photos photos ahead!!!! (Yes these cats were 'into each other' - and were male?)

So I made today the day I wasn't lazy and decided to upload all the photos from my phone onto my computer. I decided that the best way to share them was with the internet so that everyone can creep on my life.This is a picture taken for my friends in Ontario so that they can see the magnitude of the Winnipeg folk festival...the avett brothers played last year. Possibly one of the greatest moments of my life.

This is a crappy picture of me with my father. he's a great man...again at folk festival

Tried out a bike at canadian was a rainy day and there was nothing better to do.
This is from one of the greatest road trips of my LIFE!!! Last year evelyn and I drove to Abbotsford to watch my cousins volleyball nationals. I had so much fun driving through the mountains. This is one the the few moments that I relinquished control of the wheel and allowed evelyn to drive. Coincidentally, this also used to be the background on my phone until I loaded it onto my computer.
Another picture in black and's so pretty!
This trip I accomplished the feat of driving the entire ride home without stopping to rest. Foolish, however a fantastic memory.
Early morning driving. I need to do this again.
The first of many cat pictures. Like most cat owners or in my case part-time cat enthusiast, there are a lot of pictures on my phone of cats. This was part of Jeffs halloween costume that he left behind for us. Cohen seemed perfect for the bill.
How can you not love cats. Hours we spent napping together...look how he cuddles up!
This is the miracle christmas house that sylvia took me to visit in niagara falls. We both had exams the next day and the last thing that we wanted to do was we headed over to starbucks and I got a salted hot chocolate. Then we headed down to this house and as we were driving it started to snow! It was a christmas miracle.

This picture was taken to demonstrate to the Ontarians that people do in fact ride bikes in winter in winnipeg.
This is my one of the few pictures of cudi. Look how he is sitting!
This is when I first met cohen. He loved the windows in my old room. There were dogs that lived next door that he just loved to watch. I loved this window and I could sit for hours just creeping.
This was the first day I met cohen. Let's just say we were friends from the beginning.

My father is an excellent woodworker and can build some great things. this is called a tonsu (Ton-shu) and I think it looks fantastic. It was historically build so that japanese people could carry it if they were moving. It is something that was built for me to inherit...this will not be sold once my father passes.

facing fears

Today I changed my cell phone number...You know in the sex and the city movie when Carrie had a new number and it had a new area code and she was freaking out. Well I share a little bit of that same anxiety. I have been thinking about doing it for...well since I got home from school. I realize that I sometimes need to call people here and I don't really want to spend that much on long distance. I think the thing I was freaking out the most about is if people want to get ahold of me that don't have my number.

I also like the fact that I don't have a 204 number. It's cool that I can go 'wait a second, it's area code 905...It goes along with that whole I like to be different aspect of my life. It's also scary because It is indicative of the fact that my life in Ontario is over, and that special aspect about me is no longer there.

So anyways...I do not plan on memorizing this new number because it was just awful. Just the fact that it took me a month and a half to get it shows my resentment of the new number. I had to leave me house to do it. I went to starbucks to psych myself up and then I went to the park where I couldn't chicken out.

It's also weird how many textversations started that way.

The park was also funny because there were these boys dancing without shirts....and of course I took a video!

sorry it's a little bit far distance, didn't really feel the need to go up any closer

Monday, June 6, 2011

reviewing jobs

So I'm now well into my work season, and so far it is clear that I love larters so much better than bootlegger. It's so weird because I used to be the little baby at bootlegger and now I am the old person. People is management type positions are younger than's so strange. But seriously, I'm so glad that I am going to school because realistically, retail is not what I want to do for the rest of my life - perhaps retailing on a larger level or a more corporate kind of role, especially something to do with merchandising would be something that I love. I think a really cool job would be a store designer. I really like the notion of incorporating psychology into business and basing these business choices on consumers perceptions. Things like where to put signage and what signs should say and all that jazz is something that quite interests me.

Other than that life has been whatever. This week I was trying to figure out what I need for a study visa for Germany - oh yeah...I don't need one!!! Except I am going to get this youth and mobility visa just so that I can work out there later perhaps. Fantastic!

I am so boring - this was probably a useless post, but I figured I should say something because I don't want to completely lose my habit.