Sunday, October 28, 2012

all hallows costumes

I will admit that I have dressed in halloween costumes as an adult. In university almost every year. I even tried out the sexy little queen of hearts one year. The second year - sexy doll. The third year I didn't dress up because belec was gone and I'm not able to have any fun without her. Not true...but I actually handed out candy that day and watched my cousin play volleyball. Then my favourite was the toronto maple leafs fan that was actually a homeless person. Great plan - night plans went a little array.

Then I moved to germany and did not care.

Halloween has kind of just become a thing here in Germany and it's not like a trick or treating kind of integration. More of adults having an excuse to dress up and have a party. I also want to note that they have a nice little festival called Fasching right before lent season where everyone really dresses up and goes crazy.

But last night was the official halloween party night and I must say there is a big difference. Sexy costumes are not really a thing. At least not where I was. There was a lot of fake blood and I was not really into it at all. Like not even a little. There was a clown that scared the crap out of me. I just felt so uncomfortable!! Needless to say I did not stay long. The band sucked - but in the time I was there I was able to charm the pants off some nice germans. Got invited to go out after with the - rejection.. ha

dealing with disappointment

There is one thing that they never teach in business school - or at least in no classes that I've ever taken. I think something that really contributes to being a great employee is measuring what happens when things to wrong. I think in general I am a pretty responsible person, and I know when to accept that I have made a mistake. I am not happy about making the mistake, but I don't try to hide the fact that I made it...and again I don't share with the world the thing I've done.

I feel like the message I want to communicate with my boss is that I accept that I have made a mistake, but I want him to understand that I take it seriously. I also don't want to spend hours of time dwelling on this mistake I've made. Once the situation has happened it is often difficult to go back and completely undo the mistake you've made. It is now up to you to find some sort of solution. But it is also difficult to make any solution be as good as was supposed to be originally.

This situation has recently happened at work - where it was partially a miscommunication on my part could potentially lead to us losing the customer. I don't know what to do or how to tell my boss or how to actually make up for the situation.

I think this is something that should be offered as a course - or at least a standard part of intro to business. How to clean up your failure!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

a funny story - to celebrate my 300th post

Wow I can't believe it's 300 already. I have posted a lot of craziness on the internet that will hopefully be brought up at an inopportune time in the future...

Anyways - today also happens to be the first day that it snowed in Darmstadt for this winter season. I decided that instead of being loud and waking up my hungover roommate I would go for a stroll into the city and go to the library, and then reward myself with a hot cocoa at cafe chaos.

Great plan. Then on the way home I'm passing this old man who is just beaming at me. Seeing as I am in a good mood after my hot cocoa I decide to say something to the effect of boy am I walking in the wrong direction. The snow is falling into my face.

Our conversation proceeded as follows (translated for obvious reasons) - this is not the exact transcript as I cannot remember everything completely - that would be unrealistic.
Where are you going?
I'm just on my way home
oh do you live in Darmstadt?
Yup, do you?
Yes I live on (something) street
oh how far is that?
Oh that direction. Do you live with your husband
Do you have any children?
No not yet - I don't know when that's going to happen
Oh they'll come soon enough. Are you still working?
Oh I'm retired. When are you going to come visit me? Is that ok with your husband?
Maybe after next week, I'm really busy next week
Ok what day do you want to come?
Maybe wednesday
Morning or afternoon?
Probably afternoon I have to work during the day
Ok that sounds good

I actually thought he was going to kiss me at the end and I booked it outta there...

Also note that we exchanged names (mine fake naturally) - and there were a few more unimportant details...

but wtf happened there....

Monday, October 15, 2012


When I was younger I was a little bit nutty. I had a bit of a crazy personality. To sum up...I was just a little bit weird. Where most people were caring about what others thought of me, I clearly didn't think that was a big issue because I was very happy with myself. Much like I am now, but now I have become a little bit more toned down. A little more likely not to be as outgoing. I say this because when I was in grade 8 I had one of my teachers tell me that he wouldn't be surprised if I ended up with my own show one day.

Fast forward to today. I love reality TV. I love watching all these crazy survivor-type shows (including survivor) and competition shows. But I could never be on one of these shows.

I cannot lie, and I don't think that I would have the social game. I would become way to paranoid.

On the current season of surivior, a lot of those people are fans. They all understand how the game works and they are trying to hard right from the beginning to

I think that watching so many reality shows has affected the way that people are playing games. They have learned from the mistakes that people have been making from the past reality and competition shows so that it affects the decisions that people are making. I think that people are way less trusting of people  because so many people get screwed over.

Following Celebs

I have an instagram account - and like die hard gossip girl fan I am following ed westwick...I follow a couple other celebrities just because it's fun and I like to stalk them...

actually there is no really normal way of describing why you follow a celebrity. It's not like I'm personal friends with them. It's just cool to see what they're up to...but really, why? Does it affect my life? no. Am I inspired by them? no, not really. Actually I don't need to justify myself to you. Who are you...spammers?? I don't care.

One thing I don't do though is leave comments on their pictures. Like it literally makes me cringe when perusing through these pictures and coming across some of the comments that just kill me.

Really - do you think he's gonna read this an think - boy you know what...I am looking for a wife. Maybe I can get a green card...perfect. 

Actually maybe celebrities use this just so they can seek comments from people....and "connect with their audience" - yay PR!

"Put them trots away" - first off...what??
Second off I love the greeting from sweeden...

What is the point of these comments!!!
Honestly if I didn't care to have a life I would make a tumblr dedicated to these crazies....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

just let me be sick!

So getting sick is never really fun. What I do enjoy however is having the excuse to get out of doing things and just hang out and watch your favorite shows and movies and wear your most comfortable clothes, all the while drinking tea. Sure you feel horrible, but at least you get to do cool things to get better...

But when you have to work life sucks.

With a cold there is not really a known cure, and really you're not going to die from a cold in this century. Just take care of yourself and you will do fine. For me a cold is not a great excuse to skip out from work. Maybe a little less time there, but to miss more than a day I don't think is necessary (also depends on your job). So I've been having to work every day being sick.

The symptoms suck but I am clearly dealing with them and doing things to deal with that, but what makes me worse is everyone telling me their own cure. Some people say eat garlic, others say drink water with an onion in it with sugar. Another guy rinses his nose with salt water - first off no thanks, and second off people...just let me be sick.

It's not like this has never happened to people before. I don't need for people to tell me how to get better. I'm not going to go to the doctor for something so minute!!

Just leave me alone and let me be sick, a little oh that's to bad would't be the worst thing ever.

And I feel like one of my coworkers feels like I cannot have any extra attention for being sick...because she seems to be sick as well....

I'll be fine, but I'm just not right now, but it's not your problem. You can care, but don't tell me what to do!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oktoberfest 2012

As Oktoberfest seemed to be the best weekend I had in Germany last year. Hoping to replicate that I found some "somewhat strangers" and took my best shot again this year.

The start - my company originally consisted of a work colleague who lives about 2 doors down from me (fun fact), and then two other girls who work int he same department as I do. Then the one who really doesn't even like to drink mad " e the decision not to come. Then the next one got roped into a family birthday party and couldn't come either. So it was me, this guy I barely knew, and one of his friends, staying at anther old friends apartment in munich. But really this didn't worry me at all. I get along pretty well with people so it was fun...but still so funny that I end up in these situations.

The first night we went out clubbing and I really didn't go crazy - but what I find weird, is that I will dance to nearly everything. I generally hate electro music, but if I'm out, I will dance until 6 in the morning to this, which coincidently is what I did. I took no breaks for about 5.5 hours. I was a little tired.

Then headed some to sleep a little before heading out to the Wiesn.

I'll share some highlights.

First off, when I first got there I completely forgot how much of a madhouse it is. Like people are just wasted by 14:00. I couldn't believe it. And the sound is like nothing you can expect. Like a constant cheering sound for the entire day.

At one point there was a fight, and it was super crazy. People throwing down bows like they wanted to kill. Then the song angels by robbie williams came on and we sung to this big mob, thinking that our singing would help stop the didn't really but the juxtaposition was quite a treat.

I also found some guys who had spilled all down their shirts. First made fun of them for the spills - they claimed it was water though. Then I took a picture, made fun of them some more for being twins. Then they hit on me. I like that I can be as mean as I want and nobody cares

The bathroom seemed to be the place to smoke. Literally everyone standing in line was smoking up a storm to avoid having to go outside. I felt like I was in high school in the early 80s, but in a dress.

Singing country roads - because clearly that's a German song

I enjoyed watching people to the gagnam style dance in Tracht (the outfits).

I sat at a table with our servers sister and cousin, and the mom was also serving. They were hilarious. 

Next year I need to learn all the songs.

I don't really know what else to share. Literally you just sit and talk a pack the entire day with the people you are at a table with....

If we make it past this year, I hope I have some more people to go with next year!