Sunday, July 31, 2011

that coup

So I know most of you know people like this. The two people in the room that you imediatly know are a couple before they are even introduced as such.

I hate these hello, there are other people in the room. I get that they are in love with each other, but c'mon...I don't need to see you kiss every 6.17 seconds. I feel like couples like this truly cannot last because they cannot be their own person.

I guess this comes up because I met two of these people friday. They seemed to each be pretty cool people on their own, but you don't need a kiss everytime you take a sip of beer. Then they disappeared for like an hour and then came upstairs looking grumpy and left. Some context - there were only like 6 people at the house I was at including them.

Anyways - leave a comment if you know people like this, let's expose these people that make everyone else just feel so awkward if you talk to one of them without the other around

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

two confessions

1. Every time I hear a super loud rumble, like earth shaking-ly loud - examples include passing trucks, close by airplanes - I immediately think that it is an asteroid coming to destroy the earth in an Armageddon like fashion.

2. Every time I get in an elevator with strangers I always think what I would do if I got trapped in an elevator with these people.

The longer the elevator ride the more questions that pass through my brain...
such questions include
- would I 'relieve' myself in front of these people?
- who would I make friends with?
- who would be the first to be eaten?
- Who would I tell off first?

and so on

Wow this sounds pretty morbid

Thursday, July 14, 2011

fringe freak

So again it is the season of the fringe and so tonight I again partook in a free fringe show.

I know I've said it before, but my strategy at the fringe is to see the worst shows possible solely for my own entertainment in making fun of them later. Most free shows fit this mould.

I hate street performers. I don't find them at all entertaining and nearly everyone has the same jokes. I just think some of their gags are really lame and gimick-y and I just don't find it funny after every single person tells the same jokes. The make these lame comments about how "amazing" their trick are - yeah, if I didn't have a job I could probably learn how to do that to. If I had an act it would be me just bitching for a half hour on stage about things - it's what I'm good at.

Another thing - my biggest fear is getting called out in an audience. I am the very last person that wants to volunteer to be on stage. I don't like having that attention drawn to me because I don't like the stupid comments the entertainers make. Last summer I had the 'honour' of being selected to pull come guys sleeve off of his shirt in some weird stripping ritual, I don't quite remember the details. Perhaps I have tried to wipe it from my memory. I just remember him making dumb comments and me getting to hold on to his nasty sweaty sleeve. No thank you sir, I don't want to hold on to this.

Here is another fun fact about myself. When I was 17, back when I had black hair I went to a little place called universal studios during a trip to the wonderful state of california. So whilst awaiting a show that talked about special effects I was approached to be an audience participant. I reluctantly agreed because I didn't want to be a d* about it. My parents (well my mother) was pretty pumped. She still to this day says "I don't think so grandma" at least once every two weeks because one of the effects I had to demonstrate was the greenscreen, and so they put me into the movie the klumps and that was my line.

There was more stuff I had to do but I guess that was most notable. Needless to say - no more audience participation from me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

old clothes

What's this you may ask...well there is a blanket, and old duffle bag, and two and a half garbage bags filled with clothes. See the thing is that I love clothes, and in the past 22 years have amassed quite the collection - not that I have things from 22 years ago.

I have officially moved home now, as opposed to having half a life in Ontario, including all sorts of stuff there and I have discovered that I do not have enough room for all my stuff. I have issues because I have memories associated with all my clothes.

I started packing things up and moving them downstairs when I first moved back home for the summer. I guess moving them downstairs to the basement has proved to me that I don't need those things. Sadly when I packed them away it meant that I was reminded of all the memories associate with these clothes. To me they are not just things that I purchase. With all my clothes I can remember exactly where I got them, unless I got them on a trip and don't remember the name of the store. I can also remember roughly how much I paid for them. It makes me mad that there was some stuff that I barely wore, and other things had simply gone out of style, or I have grown to large for them as a result of poor eating habits and inactive lifestyle.

Anyways. I was wondering if anyone else finds it difficult to rid yourself of old clothes. I especially hate getting rid of things like old sports clothes because they are like memories. I did get rid of an old volleyball sweater from when I was 15, and my phoenix track jacket as well as my provincial soccer team track pants. It's true - I don't need them anymore, but I want to be able to remember these times in my life.

I would consider myself a keeper and slight hoarder, not because I think they may be useful, but because it's something I can keep that is almost better than a picture because it conjures something physical from that time and encompasses a wide variety of memories and not simply one point in time.

The good news is that some lucky person is going to get to keep these items. I always hope to see someone walking down the street wearing something that was once mine. I'd feel cool about that.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


so I realized that I can never marry a mennonite today...I am so related to myself I may end up my own grandmother.

I also realized why I hate watching shows during the season...because I have so much of a craving to see what happens in the end and I don't have the patience to wait the entire season. I'm currently becoming addicted to pretty little liars right now...a little strange. The disease is only going to get worse once big brother starts.

I also don't think I am going to folk festival this weekend. I am just not excited about all the bands that are playing. It's pretty strange I must admit.