Monday, November 29, 2010

something cool

You know how someone in class says something funny and everyone laughs and you kind of think to your self damn...I wish I could have said that.

Today was my day

I was in finance and we were working through a problem, and the teacher just decided to throw up some hypothetical numbers and then I was using my calculator, not really paying attention. I then heard this voice asking me what the answer was. My reply; 'I don't know how to use a calculator'. It's true, I had no idea what I was doing or whether or not I was correct and often times I have issues realizing what the correct numbers actually are and sometimes hitting a + instead of x.

Needless to say I was the person to brighten everyone's monday morning! And, when the prof began teaching again he had to pause to laugh twice more.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


So I'm watching the provincial (volleyball) finals right now and I was listening to the commentators talk, and so MBCI was down 18-11 and they were talking about how some times you do a wash drill or whatever and practice certain score situation like first to five, or some kind of combination. And this kind of drill that mr. plett could have reminded the players of.

I was thinking then about practice. It's weird about how you practice to get better but you don't really feel like you get better. It's so strange how the more you do something the better you get, and it's fascinating that we as humans are able to learn like this. In one of malcolm gladwells books he talks about how it takes about 10 000 hours to be good at something. For example before the beatles invaded the US, they spent a lot of time playing in Germany and that allowed them to get better. Likewise, Bill Gates spent 10 000 (both estimates) hours doing programming of computers.

I was also thinking, is this subconscious learning, or are we just memorizing habits. I think about this then when I'm preparing to study for finance. I feel the last exam I did spend of lot of time reviewing questions and just practicing doing them. A lot of times (for a lot of exams actually) I spend so much time reading I stop engraving it. How then does this work for sports. A lot of times people do so much better when they put things out of their head. Things like dancing, (modelling - yes I watch ANTM), and volleyball - basically physical activities.

I wonder why it seems to be a different cognitive process for these.

I just wanted to put this out

I am just wondering if anyone else feels the same way

Paper packing on popsicles are WAAAYYYY better than plastic packaging


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

hey russia

are there really people from russia reading my blog....can you please answer this?

to much nudity at school

Today I saw way to much in my entrepreneurship.

To start there was a girl in my row who needed to leave the classroom for some odd reason (she is often disruptive, often a talker) and she was wearing an adorable little dress, the problem was that it came up as she was stepping over someone's bag and I got to see her cute little pink underwear. No thanks. I didn't want to.

then another group was presenting and they had one girl, who, I don't even know if I could imagine putting an outfit like that together even in the dark. I'll ask you to picture, a pinstripe suit, capri's instead of pants. She did recognize that it is winter, and so she bundled up with some black panty hose. She paired those with black booties that had a sparkly little gem near the ankle bone. Moving up to the top, she had a blazer paired with...oh wait, she wasn't wearing a shirt under the blazer. That's right, as far as I could tell it was just a bra. I was sure that there was going to be a nipple slip (there wasn't thank goodness).

It was really funny hearing her talk as well. She was the 'hypothetical' marketing director. I remarked to sylvia that sex was clearly going to be the basis for their advertising. The group also talked about not taking salaries so they'd be moonlighting to supplement salaries. They would.

Then for the conclusion, this girl came and talked a little bit more, and I realized she had a serious set of moose knuckles. The entire time was so difficult for me not to laugh. Sylvia had to hide her face with her hair to keep them from seeing.

pretty pumped now to watch some mhsaa volleyball action!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

the thing is....

See the thing is, clubs are just so gross.

I'll elaborate, they aren't all bad. The thing is boys are such pervs. Like if I'm dancing I really don't appreciate someone thrusting up against me. Number one, I have no idea who you are. You are violating my personal space. Most of the time you sneak up behind me and I don't really care to turn around to see who you are. Boys in clubs often are very predatory, they have one thing in mind and that's to find some girl drunk enough to rub up against them, and hopefully take them home at the end of the night. (I'm saying most guys not all...sorry to all the good ones out there). The thing is, I'm not like that. I'm not DTF - sawry. I just want to dance to the music. Most of the songs I would never listen to outside of club context. There was one guy on thursday who was trying to dance with me and he was singing along to I don't even remember what song, but it was to the point where I felt that I really didn't need to have the song drilled into my head. I was actually laughing while he was singing. I didn't let him stick around very long. I'll admit when I was younger I danced with a few's true. Another reason it sucks, is because there are quite a few that have no concept of rhythm. Like if you are moving back and forth I would prefer that you are moving to the same tempo that the song is playing.

So I'm sorry to my mother that you have to read this. I'm just telling it like it is.

Oh yeah, another funny story from saturday. Some guy wanted to dance with me, and it was near the end of the night, and I was watching someone to make sure an issue didn't get into a larger issue and so he wanted to lead me further into the crowd of people to dance, but I needed to stay within eye contact. So he asked me for my number. I played it cool. I put it in as D. If he really cares he'll try his luck. So I got a text last night hey baby what's up? I got it this morning and answered with lol, who is this? I have no intention to ever see this kid again. I guess I could have just not given my number, but whatever, I'd feel bad. Momentary lack of judgement.

To continue on my bar rant.
They are always so crowded. Like I want my space to dance. When I'm with out with my peeps I'd like a little bit of room so that we can move around. I'm not all about the 2 step. I might want to maybe take two steps to the side every once in a while. Maybe even a step backwards to mix things up, and I know the people I'm with don't want a space restriction as well. On the other hand I don't want to be dancing in the back40 of the dance floor. I also don't want my dance to be controlled by the people around me. I hate when the dance floor is so crowded that I no longer am allowed to control my own body movements. Even worse, getting made out on. No one wants that for themselves. I'm not a wall. I'm not a bed. I'm a person.

I also find it funny how boys just pull such big creep moves. Being much more sober lately than in previous years of my life I have began to often call them out on it. Again, thursday, I saw three guys just pulling the full out creep. I right out said I saw that whole thing go down. The had nothing to say. It was really funny.

I also enjoy the feeling of thinking back and realizing that I was not slutting it up with anyone on the dance floor. Like here's not a classy move, putting your hands on the floor and dancing with someone like that. I'm have really started to think about what people may think when they see me at school the next day.

I had a great little rescue moment though. I was waiting for sylvia and becky to go to the bathroom and allowed for them to do their business and while waiting some girl that I had seen outside not looking so good. So she clearly was not to talented at walking. So I took her by the hand and led her to the washroom and said go in here. I held the door shut for her, because her motor skills were so poor at that moment she was not going to be able to lock it herself. I then took her outside and she was able to locate her friends. Thank goodness. Someone took her home shortly thereafter

Oh yeah...I've seen her on my bus before as well. She won't remember but every time I see her that's exactly what I'll have in my head. Talk about making a good impression!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

90s mcgee

It seems there have been a number of 90s movies and TV shows that have caught my attention lately. I was watching full house once and there was one episode that she was wearing a dress, would not have all looked out of place now.


except in this situation she had the black version

I got this picture from american apparel, and speaking of them. It's possible they may not exist as we know it in the near future. Their CEO is not the smartest business man that has ever been around!! It's to bad, because I love american apparal

She wore this outfit the episode she was trying to be one of the 'cool girls' who are always the characters dressed WAYY to old for their age.

the second instance of some great 90s clothes comes from the baby sitters club, during day camp dawn had this great shirt on


So who says the 90s had horrible clothes! And american apparel, way to keep your style in the past!

the best song I've ever heard

I have never listened to John Butler before, I've heard of him on a few times, and I don't know what prompted me to listen yesterday on youtube but I did. I decided to see what his most popular song was based on what came up in the search bar and so I encountered this Gem.

I think this is the last song I want to hear before I die. I feel that it encompasses my life's outlook. Like from now on if someone asks me what I believe in I'm just going to play this song. I'm sure that other songs will come and go, but this one is something that's going to keep coming back into my life.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Clearly it's been a productive month. I've had nine posts in nine days!

So a few days ago I heard Rihanna's new song S&M...really?!? Is this really what she's singing out? I feel bad for all the parents who are going to have to explain this concept to their young impressionable teens. I think that when kids ask me about this stuff I may ask them to refer either to wikipedia or their friends who will most likely creep them out less...then when they have questions I'll do a check in with them. But really, there has always been debates about what kind of influence celebrities exude on children. Like the whole sex, drugs, rock and roll. People back in the day did not like the messages in music. I still can understand why parents worry when their kids are singing You shook me all night long! Kids are still singing this today (it's not a night at the bar unless they play this, save a horse ride a cowboy and everyone's favorite don't stop believing). I feel that a lot of songs are much less about the music. Like why do people want to have children watching miley cyrus how performed on the EMA's without pants. I just don't get it. When I was younger I will admit the lyrics never really bothered me, but now some stuff I just get disgusted by. Like that's really how you express yourself. I also am someone that can appreciate artistic license, but when you are in the public eye it is important to demonstrate that there is substance and purpose to what you are doing. And you also need to know what kind of stage you are on and who your audience is. If you want to talk about S&M, maybe you should be going to a bondage conference and singing there, but it should not be on public airwaves. Also think about all the offices that allow employees to play music during the day. If I go into a doctors office or something and I'm hearing S&M I'm going to questions what kind of people are working there.

Obviously this is an argument that can be much further developed, but I don't really feel like exuding that much brain effort at the moment.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Harriet the Spy

I felt this entry may be slightly lengthly and I wanted it to have it's own title.

One of my favourite movies as a child was harriet the spy. I could hardly wait to get that neon orange case home and delve into the lives of strangers along with harriet. I didn't just stop with the movies. I read all the books and I wanted to start spying myself. Sadly suburban winnipeg just didn't really provide me with a great spy stage. Eventually I moved passed never turning down an opportunity to re-watch the movie. I've seen it a number of times and I realize that I have even been inspired by the movie/book. One of the reasons that harriet spies is because she wants to see and know everything so that she can be a writer one day. I don't want to be a writer one day (although I would love to be a professional blogger, and stay in my jammies all day - pipe dream though) but I love writing everything down. I have a lot of thoughts and my blog does give me an outlet. Sometimes for those I don't feel deserve a whole blog entry I'll just jot it down in my notebook.

This weekend I decided it was time to watch the film once again. When I went to download it I also noticed there was something called Harriet the spy; blog wars. I realized that there was now a disney channel remake. I figured that as such a dedicated fan I should at least give it a try. It was horrible!!! Everything about it made me want to cringe.

I will give you 8 reasons why I hated it.
1. Blog wars- are you serious. As soon as I realized Harriet was competing against her nemesis (night)Marian for being the school blogger as opposed to editor of the school newspaper I could see right through it. I felt that disney was trying to teach children about social media and the importance of buzz.

*I forgot to mention above (I'm on a computer I could just go back and edit) I used to love Marian. I feel that I can often identify with the bitch character...another point blair waldorf from gossip girl. I like that preppy snob character. That's what I used to want to be when I grew up. Maybe I felt like these people could be more successful because they had the guts to get out there. But this seems more like a jumping point for another blog!

2. I feel like disney movies perpetuate someone's character way to much. Like they give someone's entire character away upfront. Like if you are an environmental person they are going to make up the fact that you can't go somewhere next weekend because you are working on building building eco-lodges for western chinese immigrants working on organic farms in guatamala or something over the top like that.

3. The main character was that girl from wizards of waverly place. Like the dumb one that can't do anything. Yes I have watched that show on few occasions. I'm comfortable enough with myself to admit it. But I could act better than this girl. She has such a whiny voice. I feel that she exemplify the harriet character very well. The original harriet the spy story takes place in new york (which this one does) and the character is very much a part of the city. She is very individualistic, and a little bit of an oddball. She is also happy with her independence and doesn't whine. Someone needs to tell disney costume designers that putting converse sneakers on someone doesn't make them an individual. This girl also didn't have anything mysterious about her. She wasn't a very good sneak. She also put on glasses everytime that something was about to go down. That doesn't mean anything!

4. I think the fact that it's a disney movie encompasses so many of my issues with the movie.

5. They didn't stick to the original plot. Like the character was similar but it was just so so cheesy. It's about harriet's dad

6. In disney movies movie star characters are always egotiscial pricks and seem dumb on the outside, but we really don't know them, they're just like other people! This happens

7. The character of ole golly. Ole golly is a wonderful nanny. In the original she was harriet's confidant that just told it to her how it is. Didn't ask those provoking questions or use a patronizing voice. She was very simple and to the point. In the new version she remains a confidant, however I find the way that she communicates much to flirty. I would almost compare it with the character of willy wonka. In the new one he's much more flirty. The character of ole golly also uses a lot of quotes. In the new movie she just said them like not seeming contextually. I felt that I needed an explanation as to why she used the quote in that exact moment. This was a huge let down for me.

8. It bothers me when someone hides in disney movies. They don't make it more obvious. If I'm going to hide behind a couch I'm not going to jump as high as I can to land on my stomach. I can't really discuss this better.

broken mess

So a follow up to yesterdays blog. I saw the girl in class today. She said hi, and sat with her chatty friend directly in front of sylvia and I. Luckily they were slightly less distracting than usual. Today I decided to man up to the rest of the class. There was one point where everyone started to get a little bit to loud and so I raised my hand and said "I'm sorry I'm having a tough time hearing over everyone else's chatter" Surprisingly people were quiet enough to hear my comment. But after that everyone settled down and didn't talk the rest of the class. I'd like to practice my confrontational skills a little bit more. I'd like to become better in those kinds of situations where I need to interrupt or disturb someone (for the better). My heart was racing a mile a minute after. I'd just like to able to act better on my toes.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

a small world situation

So I don't generally talk about people that I don't like, simply because I don't want to get myself in trouble one day....

Today is one of those situations where I hope some people don't read my blog. I don't really know them so that if they were reading it would be an unlikely situation.

So to start there is this girl that is in mine and sylvia's entrepreneurship class...she talks the entire time. It makes me batty. She sits with this one friend and they talk the entire time. Last class she even started giggling so much that she had to get up and leave the class and disrupted the teacher. These two sat in front of me one class and talked in normal indoor voices, didn't even care that we were in a class.

So the last class there was a spot beside me and I leaned over to sylvia and said 'if she sits beside me I'm going to tell her she better not talk if she plans on sitting beside me' thank goodness she didn't

I just hate when people talk in class

Yesterday we decided it was time to get our dance on and so one of our neighbours informed us one of his lady friends would be coming over to the house...and that we were to be nice to her. She was pretty brave because she was going to be coming by herself.

So sylvia, becky, and I were all sitting on the one couch when the door opens...I turned to sylvia isn't that the girl from our entr class?! It was. I nearly lost it. It was a very awkward situation having to make small talk. Then we got to spend the whole night out with her. It's just really funny all around. I have class with her tomorrow....I wonder if she'll talk to us.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

being an only child

As those of you that know me...I am an only child. I've realized that being an only child has definitely played a difference into what kind of character I am. I have always been interested in birth order kind of things. Like that the older child is independent, the middle child is a bit of an outcast, and the youngest is the party child. I do feel that being an only child has given me a lot of independence. Living alone I've noticed that I can pretty much do whatever I want whenever I want. I feel this has also left me with the inability to recognize the feelings of other issues and I think sometimes people mistake my feelings for being snobby. Often I have been in situations when I return home with my parents and if I want to leave here, I go. But in those situations I have to think about all the people there, and if someone else still wants to stay then I have to. I think that this clearly is weird for me, and I'm afraid my parents may mistake my frustration because I try to keep these feelings internal. Sometimes I don't even mind staying. I hate when you don't really care about something, like if you get roped into doing something...thinking that you hate it they constantly are asking if something is ok. I realize that you always respond with that high voice that is so misleading because often your voice goes up when you lie. I've had a tough time trying to say what I want to say. Basically, I think being an only child has made me a little self-centered.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm panicking

American Apparel is very much nearing the pit of bankruptcy. Someone please send the unisex hoodie in black ASAP!!!!

To be honest I'll take whatever else you want to send me!

kids are dumb

I won't lie, I just hung up the phone with my father getting another lecture about how I'm dumb.'s true I am. But I must say...the school year has been interesting so far. I have noticed that this year I have been getting a lot of talks from teachers concerning midterms and marks being much lower than previously. Like I have not been doing fantastically but I'm still getting well above average. One of my classes, the average was 55% and it was not a hard test at all. I was also talking to Becky today and she said that the BCDO (Business Career Development Office) is having a difficult time getting people to come to events. They have even had to cancel events due to lack of interest. It's interesting because these are all pretty important, things like resume building and networking skills are things that are more and more vital for graduating.

Becky and I were discussing this little conundrum this morning and we think that people just don't give a shit about university anymore. Like way back in the day it was awesome if you just got your high school degree. Then it moved into being critical. Now it is pretty much critical to have a degree if you want a job because you need to make yourself competitive. I feel like in 10 years people are going to think it's crazy that these sessions were never filled up because the demands will be even higher then.

Sylvia had a very unlady-like moment today. I told her I was going to blog about it. Now none of you in cyberspace will be her friend (don't worry she's actually really nice - well sometimes). So we're walking to the vehicles after class and she just bends over and horks a giant loogey. Sadly she failed to notice the guy walking right behind her who nearly runs into her as she bends over to spit. She nearly died when he said something to her. Then as we're driving back to my place she tries to spit from the moving video. No it did not exit the car. The spitball landed right behind her shoulder on the door. Needless to say...we had to pull over. It was way to funny, I may have let out a tear or two.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

egg sammiches

I won't lie, I can make a darn great breakfast. My specialty. Egg sandwiches. Also, egg wraps (tortilla shell instead of bread). I just know how to put everything together well. One of my favourites was when I was at Katie's boyfriends house and he made incredible sandwiches with fresh cooked back bacon and fresh picked herbs. Yum. I feel that if I ever opened a restaurant it would for sure be a breakfast place serving my special sandwiches. The thing roommate becky doesn't like them. She doesn't really like eggs that that may explain part of it. I just love them so much. When I make the wraps I even take the time to toast them in the pan once it's all assembled. This morning I had kulbassa that I fried in the pan after frying the eggs, and instead of traditional cheddar I used. It was good. If anyone ever wants one of these magnificent creations give me a ring. I love to make them. I think half the appeal is how good you can make something in so short a time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

get off my keyboard cat!

Becky and I dressed up as bums for halloween. My hair looks insanely cut-and-pasted onto my head. At least no one spat on us.

Oh yeah, I wrote an exam saturday morning. It went awful. I have never felt so frustrated. It was my finance class. I felt like no matter how much I studied I just could not get anything into my head.