Saturday, July 13, 2013

cat meetups at midnight

Today was my friend Rominas birthday. To celebrate we went to her garden. Seeing as I do not possess a motorized vehicle I decided to accept her (Romina's) offer of driving me to the celebration. To get to her house I took my bike. This also meant that she would need to return me to her house to pick up said bike to return home; about a five minute ride.

Once we arrived back at her place I saw a little kitty cat and started talking to it in a way people would assume I was dropped on my head as a child. Romina remarked that this cat belonged to her neighbours. The cat followed us from the car to Rominas house where she contemplated taking it inside because she was scared to have it get hit by a car. In Canada jerks leave their cats out all the time so I figured this must have been what happened. The neighbours car however wasn't there (assumed not home). I jokingly asked the cat if I could put her in my basket and take her home. Romina took this as dead serious...

as much as I want a

She then opened the gate and the cat rushed inside the yard. Romina then went in to ask her parents what we should do with it and in that time her Grandma comes out from the upstairs apartment in her nightgown. Oh yeah, her grandma has Alzheimer's.

Situational hilarity ensues.

For the next five minutes her grandma keeps calling for "Sheila" (her cat), but everytime she gets close to the cat she realizes it's not Sheila. And she keeps saying the cat is always around on her balcony and that she sometimes sleeps with it. Why is this lady letting strange cats into her house.

But we just carried on having more discussions about the cat and how it is often on her balcony and she feeds it. Then Rominas dad comes out and is irritated because it is midnight and what are we doing out here with this dumb cat.

I took this as my cue to head home, Romina went inside....I hope her grandma did too.

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