Saturday, October 12, 2013

starting a life abroad

I am at the point on my life, and I think I have been at this point for quite some time, where I am strongly considering the move to live on my own. I have wanted to do this for a while, since before my roommate issues started. The strongest driver for this is just being able to have only my stuff where I want and being able to arrange everything how I want. I really have a difficult time allowing over people around me to have their own space and ideas about how things should be run. One thing I will miss is the occasional someone to talk to, but I think that the benefits outweigh the negatives. At this point I do not care to have roommates who are friends, because when I am home I like to be at home...and I like being by myself. Weirdly, this huffington post article made me realize - not all point are true but I find resonance with a lot of them.

One thing that really really sucks about moving out though is that it is so expensive. Moving out on my own automatically means that I will be paying more for rent (less travel) and I have to buy normal cookware and housewares for my place. I hate when you live somewhere and get used to using certain cooking vessels for different purposes, but then when you, or your roommate move out you don't have them anymore. The nice thing about living in winnipeg would be having family and parents that are always looking to get rid of things, and they can tide you over until you can afford nice things for yourself.

If and when this move does happen, I will be hitting lots of second hand shops!

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