Saturday, January 1, 2011

new years suck

So generally I hold the standard that I'm going to have a crappy new years. Well this christmas has been a bit of a let down just because I am barely seeing the people that I want to as much as I want to. This having a job thing really sucks. It's not just that I have to work, but it's that I have stuff to do the days I don't work and I get drained when I am working and don't really want to do anything after because all I want to do is sleep.

So the story starts thursday. I was able to head out with many of my parents friends and their kids because one of the sons of our family friends is getting married, and so we had a shower for him and his new bride. Earlier that day my mom and I went to see black swan which was the MOST adult film I have ever watched in my life, but I'm still glad I saw it. During the film my mother began to feel quite ill and was not sure she was going to make it. So in the end she did not come with my father and I to the shower. So at the shower it turns out the bride was quite sick and she didn't even come. Then while we were presenting the gift the groom had to rush to the bathroom. Also I was at my oma and opa's because I thought I had to work but apparently I got the days mixed up...oops, but there my opa was also sick. I was feeling fine, but later on in the evening (at like 2 in the morning) I woke up and said 'something is not right' so I watched movies for a bit, and then decided it was time to make a visit to the bathroom. It was weird. I felt fine, just kept puking. That happened once more that night and then in the morning. The rest of yesterday I was mostly sore and tired, but that's partially due to the gravol. I hated that I had to stay in for new years. It's not that I was planning on going anywhere but I just realized that I have not had enough fun. I think that so far last christmas home was beating this christmas in terms of fun. So I guess it's time to change that!!! I have about 10 days left and it's time to get my act together.

On Another note one of the recent 1000 awesome things was 'finding good reading material in someone else's bathroom'. This is the worst dilemna for me because I want to read as much as possible, but I don't want people to think I'm destroying their bathroom.

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