Sunday, July 31, 2011

that coup

So I know most of you know people like this. The two people in the room that you imediatly know are a couple before they are even introduced as such.

I hate these hello, there are other people in the room. I get that they are in love with each other, but c'mon...I don't need to see you kiss every 6.17 seconds. I feel like couples like this truly cannot last because they cannot be their own person.

I guess this comes up because I met two of these people friday. They seemed to each be pretty cool people on their own, but you don't need a kiss everytime you take a sip of beer. Then they disappeared for like an hour and then came upstairs looking grumpy and left. Some context - there were only like 6 people at the house I was at including them.

Anyways - leave a comment if you know people like this, let's expose these people that make everyone else just feel so awkward if you talk to one of them without the other around

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