Saturday, January 19, 2013

religious festivals

I was shopping in town today and was heading sort of the direction of home and happened upon a loud chorus of drummers drumming. I was a little bit bewildered at what was going on, especially when I approached the area and saw people wearing Jester hats. Not gimmicky party animal ones - like legit with patches of honour on them.

I have literally just come home and immediately had to find out what was going on. I knew it has something to do with Fasching (which is the German Carnival - also on my list of things to do in Brasil). Apparently it was the Fools welcoming the new year. I guess Epiphany is over...? Someone help here?

I think religious festivals seem so fun, and what a great thing to celebrate. I think they are the last holidays that have been over over commercialized although Fasching is quite commercial in Germany. Not so much though that the Chinese are celebrating (More often now, the young Chinese people celebrate Christmas without any regard to the actual meaning).

But how amazing would it be to celebrate the religious festivals like 200 years ago, presuming you are catholic, presuming you live in Baden Württemberg or Bavaria. Literally the best excuse ever to go wild with your friends. No one is going to be getting on your case because you are celebrating your religion. It's basically a get out of hell free card and I have the feeling that everyone got in on the action. Also, back in the day, no one had to work on these holidays. People have truly forgotten the lost art of having nothing to do and having a real day off. That's one of the reasons that I love German Sundays; because I don't have to do anything.

I think that more religious festivals should be celebrated.

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