Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stop honking your horn!

Here's another post being fuelled by an immediate sense of rage.

Someone outside is honking their horn. I get honking your horn in traffic - but I become extremely frustrated by people who honk their horns as a signal that they are there instead of going and ringing the doorbell. I find it extremely rude and would be immediately turned off by anyone that did that with me. It is also extremely disrespectful of all the other people who are interrupted by your horn.

When you are in a residential area sounds happen to bounce and echo a little bit more - especially the way the the buildings and streets are constructed in Germany. The streets are lined with multi-family dwellings often two three or four stories high. And on a quiet street it seems to be even louder and abrasive to hear these horns.

Holding your horn for 5 seconds is extremely unneeded and unnecessary. If the person hasn't heard it after the first honk - they probably have heard it. Especially if they are expecting you.

We live in the 21st century where I know almost no one that doesn't own a cell phone. Simply call the person and say you are there. It will save everybody the aggrevation. Literally no person wants to hear this horn, so just stop!

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