Thursday, May 2, 2013

Paris Day 1

It is totally weird being in Paris.

It think that every time I go somewhere new I need to make it a "first" of something. So among a few firsts is the fact that I am alone in a new country where I don't know the language. It is amazing though how much you will remember. I popped into starbucks for a espresso macchiato. And the entire transaction occurred in french. Thank goodness I have a french name!

I think that today it was really made obvious just how different the histories of major cities are - and how the architecture has been so affected by this. Each city kind of gives you that different impression. Berlin - influenced by WWII, Hungary - influence of years of being invaded by everyone. Amsterdam - a shipping city also welcoming sailors ...and Paris - is a city ruled by war and conquest. So many things that I saw today were influenced by the winning of battles and military activities. I don't think it has ever been so obvious and in my face as it was today.

Comparing to Germany it was also quite obvious with the difference between the victors and the losers of the second world war. One thing that makes me quite sad is that there are a lot of monuments (etc.) that got destroyed during the war meaning that we can't enjoy them now. Not the case in Paris.

I will say however that Paris did remind me moderately of being in Rome because there are so many things and it is so chaotic. Don't ever drive here. Seriously! It's just baffling that people live in these places and have normal lives. It would be so weird living in the city that receives annually the most tourists.

so far I like it though. But three days is NOT enough time!!

Also - french people have been super nice. I have not had anyone be a jerk yet. I'm sure the waiter at the restaurant wanted to be and would have been, but I made sure that I was sitting near other people who also spoke english. That also meant that me ordering food at 19:30 wasn't as weird... I don't know what time people eat here but all I know is that tomorrow I am going to have a much bigger lunch so I don't have to worry about it!!!

Steak frites here I come!

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