Friday, December 24, 2010

some secrets about my life

here is a little christmas treat for you

some secrets, not really secrets because I don't care...maybe more some interesting facts
1. I am the worlds most sound sleeper. I am reminiscent on this because it is christmas tomorrow. When I was just a wee child, young and impressionable I never really bought the whole santa claus thing, but not only did I just not believe it, I also wanted to catch my parents in the act. There were quite a few years, probably starting at about age 5 where I slept under the christmas tree just waiting to catch them. The thing is I am much to good of a sleeper. This year in fact, becky and sylvia were cooking, set off the fire alarm and I had no idea. The only way to wake me up is to say my name. My favourite wake up is "Danielle, it's (insert time)". Very simple and to the point. That way I can judge how much longer I can lay in bed. I will even accept a graze of the calf. My oma is AMAZING. I loved her wake up this year. So moral of the story. I never caught my parents.

2. christmas music drives me crazy. I am a bit of a grinch. I do however like orchestral christmas music. Working in retail I get to hear a lot of it. The absolute worst is the long dragged out songs where some artist tries to put their spin on things. Please just STOP!!!

3. I have way to many books. I am moving to winnipeg at the end of this semester and so I sent a whole whack of books home and my room is full of piles. There are a lot of magazines too. I have to start collecting now so that my library can be extensive. I want to be able to have people over and say, oh I have just the book for you! I do also want to have read most of the books in my library and I find the classics are really hard to get into. I have only two books on the main go right now. I also always have a book in my bed. It needs to happen!

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