Sunday, September 30, 2012

forgive and forget

I feel like there are a number of very common expressions that are often used in the world that I just don't agree with. For example - sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Not at all true. Words can be very hurtful. Maybe this tool was invented by bullies. It really is just a surface response to hide your true feelings.

Todays expression I wish to discuss is to forgive and forget. I think in my teenage years I embodied this mentality a lot more than I do now. I think that I was so desperate for friends I was always willing to forgive and forget. Then when I grew up and started to realize that it was the same things happening over and over again, because I never really addressed the situation. I just kind of moved on without actually standing up for myself to try to prevent the same thing from happening again. I am at fault there...oops.

To be honest one of the reasons that I started this blog was that I wanted a place to remember situations like this. It was more so on my old blog from when I was in high school that I would write in generics about these situations. I didn't want to actually have a diary but I also felt ok writing these things online because I could write about the situations more from an emotional perspective, but I also have enough of a memory to put myself back in that situation and remember why I was cross. But needless to say I eventually just moved completely on from those relationships.

"I want to forgive you and I want to forget you" - Lauren Conrad

Now this is another version of the expression that I still don't agree with with. The thing is that you can never forget. I have had a really upsetting experience in my life in which I have had people completely betray everything that I thought they were. This is something I cannot possibly ever forget, nor do I ever want to forget this. I am pissed. Still. And I really cannot see myself ever really getting over this.

The actions made by other people really do have an impact on how I look at them. It's weird how it can take one situation and you can never trust someone again. But it's important to remember these situation. I know that the expression is about getting over the grudge that you hold, but the actions sometimes caused from conflict mean that the person completely breaks the character that you thought they were. And you don't actually want to be friends with a person like that.

I think that trust is really the most important thing for every relationship. That's why fights happen, because on some level trust was broken.

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