Saturday, March 5, 2011

Premier Fitness is an awful company.

Because I have access to the internet I feel that if I have an issue with a company it is my duty to comment. Premier Fitness just loves to screw people over. I was actually just searching them because in a previous blog post I mentioned that I had gone in to cancel which was the biggest waste of time ever. I basically sat there for 10 minutes for no real reason. When leaving the customer service representative said that she would send in my 'application' to terminate my contract which is already bologna. I shouldn't have to apply to cancel. Apparently this process should have taken five days, and she said she would contact me afterwards. So today (almost two weeks later) I decided that I should call in and double check. I was truly worried about not being able to get out of this contract, and screwing up my credit. So I called in today...I hate how often I get put on hold and have to wait SOOO long! They are just an awful company.

To deal with disillusioned customers it is important to leave these dissatisfied customers with a glimmer of hope in hopes that they will return. Even though I am leaving the company now, it doesn't mean that I will never go there in the future had my contract cancellation gone smoother. Because I didn't receive the respect I was hoping that chance of repeat business has gone out the window. I'll keep this rant to a minimum, but trust me, my blood is a little hot.

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