Monday, March 7, 2011

the living room

So for many places the living rooms to be the most sacred space in the house. It's often a place reserved for when guests come over, or when your parents have to have a talk with you because you've behaved against their intentions.

For how many of you is this the case?

I am at sylvias house currently, and her internet is just the worst and the best place to access the internet (her internet, not stolen) is in the living room. Her mother happens to be one of those that seems to maintain the sanctity of the living room. It's often vary obvious if you are in one of those kinds of houses. They are often colder than the rest of the house and there isn't anything laying about in there. I must say that I almost felt guilty in there, like I didn't belong. There also happened to be white couches, which is a huge warning sign that you are not ordinarily supposed to be hanging out in there.

At my house it is not so much the case that we don't hang out in the living room - after all it is called the living room. It is generally the place where my parents read or have naps. It is also the room that contains the entertainment system as well as the piano. Two important parts of my life. Do you think that this sanctity should be continued upon. Many of you probably are not living in your own permanent homes yet...but when you do, will there be a treasured room to preserve this old world tradition?

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