Wednesday, May 4, 2011

talking smart

I don't understand why talking smartly is seen as uncool. I won't lie, I do speak with a somewhat sophisticated vocabulary. I won't say I'm immune to "like" or sometimes I don't finish sentences, but I do use some big words. Once instead of studying my friend Kris and I looking up words that make someone sound intelligent and I actually used about 30% of those words. Not bad for me.

One place that I have been perhaps ridiculed for it is during party conversation, or bar chatter. Also, I notice it when I am talking to teenagers who don't have a wide vocabulary.

I'm sorry that I use words larger than two syllables!

1 comment:

  1. I use a lot of big words too apparently. My one group of friends now has an inside joke about purposely using certain words completely out of context that I've used because they have no idea what it means. Cheers for linguistics!
