Monday, June 13, 2011

some nuggets from my past

So I have a story I want to share...what has prompted these? This comes from reading about germany and learning that they hate lateness and that everything there is EXACTLY on time!

So when I was in grade 8 I played premier soccer. Not only was I not really well liked on the team, I also didn't really get to play that much. Needless to say, although I didn't realize it at the one really liked me or wanted me there. I was oblivious to this fact at the time. I did realize that my coaches didn't really like me.

So one day I decided that seeing the new fast and furious movie (the second from the series) to celebrate school being done. I had a soccer practice that night and so I did need to watch the time to make sure I could make it home in time. I knew going to the movie was cutting it close but I wanted to do something cool with my friends. There were a whole bunch of people going! So anyways, I was keeping watch of the time and it came to the point where I knew I had to leave in order to catch the bus so I left about 20 minutes short of the end of the movie. I went outside to wait for the 77route because I knew it would take me past my house. So as I was riding I realized the route we were taking was completely not what I was expecting. Before I knew it I was realizing that my dad was going to be pissed. I knew that I had to let him know I was on my way but there was no one on the I can't believe I had this audacity, but I asked the bus driver if I could borrow his cell phone! I don't think that I could ever do that now-a-days. But anyways...he said no! I get it though, however about 20 minutes later he beckoned me up to the front and allowed me to call father.

He was not impressed but there was nothing that could be done at that point. So I realized that I should have taken another bus to get there faster. To add insult to injury, at the point I could have transferred, two friends that I was at the movie with got on. Yikes. So I eventually made it to my stop like an hour and a half later and RAN home. I got rushed (late) to soccer practice and I cried to my coach because I felt so bad.

So basically I have hated being late since forever and this probably spurred this on even further. I even try to be late and I just can't do it!

So there you go.

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