Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So I don't know how many of you have worked in retailing, but I feel like I was the subject of profiling today. Even if you don't work in retailing I'm sure may have some idea. By profiling I mean those moments when people walk in the store and you are pretty sure that they are going to steal something.

When I was working at bootlegger we had a special code for trying to indicate someone we thought was suspicious to other co-workers. The first time someone did it to me I had no idea what they were talking about. Anyways - when someone like this comes in you don't want them to be left alone so that they feel suspicious.

So todays experience began after class and I had to go to the bank to take out some money, so I decided to walk through the city. I wasn't in a rush so I walked through a couple little shops and there's this place called douglas and it's like perfume and cosmetics and nice smelling things kind of place. I am thinking of getting a new perfume before I leave because I want to get something special so I wanted to go and see what the deal in there was.

So I walked in and I hate talking to people in stores because my german isn't really that great so I just kind of keep to myself. There was a male worker that was clearly a poorly hidden security person type guy that just gave me a weird kind of look, but I thought whatever and moved on. I was looking over at the chanel makeup because I know that one of my roommates liked her mothers blush so I was going to see what the prices were (still exorbitant). A lady asked if I needed help and I replied in english that I was just looking around.

So I kept making my way around, picking a few things up here and there. Before I knew it I was near the back of the store smelling some more perfumes and I realize this fella followed me all the way to the back of the store. Most places have people staying in kind of "zones" and his spot I felt would have been in the 'welcoming area' of the store. It made no sense for him to be back where I was. I felt immediately uncomfortable and kept smelling the perfumes and gradually left the store feeling like I was a criminal. As I was at the front, the guy is back! Clearly he was suspicious. If I find a better place you are screwed Douglas!!!

By the way - if someone would like to mail me lord of the rings I think it's high time I actually read the books.

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