Monday, March 11, 2013

How I ruined my olympic skiing career

So I just got off talking to my father over Skype. I had to assure him I was ok after my ACL injury this weekend. He tells me - first off I ruin my soccer career, then my volleyball career...and now my skiing career. I will now share the story and situation of how this happened.

I decided with two friends that skiing would be a great idea. For those of you who don't know the manitoban landscape, downhill skiing occurs nearly exclusively in a dyke built around the city, unless you want to travel quite a distance. I had gone downhill skiing once, but this was about 13 years ago, when we were able to live into the new millennium. I was pretty good then and seemed to pick things up pretty quickly. I figure this experience would be fine as I endeavoured this again.

Now at the top of the mountain - I began to question what on earth I was thinking. I think something I had forgotten is that this isn't some crappy little hill. These were the freaking Alps!

Near the top of the "hill" - AMAZING VIEW!!!
I was so nervous at this point that I thought I was going to throw up. I first watched my one friend go down  on her snowboard and she was totally cool. Then working up some bravery I slowly decided to go. I figured I would try and snowplow the whole thing. Keep it nice and controlled. This worked for about 20 meters. I fell. That's fine. I figured that I would be falling quite a bit that day - that's part of learning.

So we continued on kind, and I seemed to be picking things up better and better. I was starting to be able to carve as I was going down the hill and do more than just a snow plow. I was so proud of myself. I was able to go long stretches without falling. For my the scariest part was when I started going to fast because I was worried I wouldn't be able to break and I would lose control and somehow destroy myself. At any rate the next time I go skiing I will wear a helmet. 

Looking like a Pro...
About two hours into my day after feeling pretty good about my skills I was carving and somehow misinterpreted the snow and I just really pushed hard to carve into the snow. So hard in fact that my ski remained where it was - but gravity in the moment became my enemy and pulled me further down the hill. It was a super crash. My friends came over right away and tried to help me. They were wondering if I could get my ski back on - but knowing that I have already had a knee injury I was like - no thanks, I am not risking this! I was so mad that I just started walking down the hill as my friend carried my skis. 
I was so not impressed. After about 10 minutes someone came and asked what was going on and I told her what happened. She asked if I wanted help. I said no thank - I'm gonna walk this one off. It's way to embarrassing to have to be rescued. I will get help at one of the lifts. I eventually made it to one of the lifts where she told me that they had already called someone. It was appreciated. Someone eventually came and I got to ride down in one of the stretchers behind him. I hated that I looked like I was completely inept, but it was super relaxing and I just basked in the warm Austrian son for a while. Quite a lovely experience. I then got sent down in the gondola where an ambulance was waiting for me. They had already asked me at the top what I wanted to do. I elected to go to a doctor.
Waiting for the doctor
After some questions they transported me to a doctor in the next village. X-rays were taken - no pants - it was a little cold but I made enough awkward jokes to make everyone feel better. Then the doctor came about 40 minutes later. Said - yup, no more ligament. Greeaatt. 

Needless to say I'm not super impressed but I can deal with it. The pain is relatively minimal. I am very 'fourtunate' to have already had this operation happen meaning that the ligament in there was already artificial and I didn't do damage to my actual body. It's mostly just annoying because it limits me from normal activities. I also don't want to have surgery again. I have to go to see a doctor tomorrow to figure out what the heck I am actually going to do. Perhaps have a second opinion as to whether or not this thing is actually torn.

1 comment:

  1. That sucks loads. Cool story though. How many of us can say we walked off a torn ACL on the Alps?
