Sunday, June 13, 2010

local music saturday

So yesterday I watched my first full world cup soccer game of the tournament. It was relaly disappointing to see my beloved england not play their strongest against the US who I just really feel should not have soccer. They have enough already!! Then I got back from watching the game to see both parents asleep in my two nap spots. I was not pleased with that.

So friday (I'm gonna need to go back in time a little) I was driving to my fathers old soccer teams world cup get together. Traffic was really bad along bishop grandin due to construction and I was listening to umfm, all of the sudden I heard first caller gets free tickets, and I knew I had no previous engagements for the proceeding night so I called and I was the first caller. Sadly I had no idea who I had just won tickets to go see. All I knew is that it was at the park theatre. So when I got home saturday I had to do some investigating. Thanks to the magic of facebook and google and discovered that it was james struthers. I had only ever seen his name in random facebook events that people were attending so I figured it couldn't be all bad. So I headed over to the park theatre solo and watched him and julien des-something or other who was also awesome. I liked that the show was just completely accoustic, because the accoustics in the park theatre are sooo good. He also played I want you back (originally done by michael jackson), and I do feel like that could possibly be one of my favorite songs of all time. Covers and everything. Then James came on and did another accoustic set. His songs were just so honest and beautiful and I would describe them as songs that every girl wants someone to sing to them. I really enjoyed it. After the concerts I headed down to shannons irish pub to see mannys cousins band perform. Although some members of the band were to young to drink they rocked it out. It was very enjoyable. What also made my night awesome. Having the best possible parking spot right outside the door! I was so pleased I let out my own personal fist pump and I had an amazing dance party on the ride home.

Today there have been two movies with natalie portman on two different channels. I will say she is my favorite actress. I'm going on the record here.

For those of you keeping score out there
1. England (GERRARD!!!)
2. Netherlands...They have always been a close second (my number 1 in euro when england didn't make it!)
3. Spain (Torres)
And yes, I do judge teams on attractiveness.

And the hear who I went to go see..

1 comment:

  1. I like the new look! You should have stayed for E&C's original set!!!!! SO GOOD!
