Saturday, June 26, 2010


So clearly you all (or those that actually know me) are aware that I moved out to go to school in ontario when I was 18. It's now three years later and I am starting to be able to sort of evaluate whether or not it was in fact a good decision. I was thinking a little bit about this last night and I was thinking of all the things I good have had, had I stayed. I have really given up a lot to move away.

1. Money
This is clearly a huge thing. There may be other topics that are included under this heading. So I'll explain further. Especially this year, it was very difficult to find a job, meaning I didn't start earning money until june. That's an entire month of lost revenue. The same thing happened last summer. I have to make sure I'm living well within my means at Brock. If I don't I am forced to get a student loan and will have to pay more later. No thanks

2. Free Rent
Again related to money. If I lived at home I would not be paying for rent, or food. I would actually be able to spend my money on something other than rent. Also, when I'm home in summer I still have to pay for a room in ontario so that I have something when I get there. Not cheap, but cheaper than rez (and less rules ha ha)]

3. a car.
I would have the ability to drive myself wherever I wanted, not giving a care about whether or not my parents needed a car. I would also not have to take the bus to school which would be a huge benefit!

4. a great education here.
Asper School of business is not a crappy school. If I eventually move back to Manitoba it is likely that Brock does not have the same prestige that u of m does, simply because it has not been around as long and less people here have even heard of it. I would not like it if that affects my future career search.

5. Friends.
It's true that when you grow older you lose friends. It sucks because you don't want to be the jerk that let's a friendship die but sometimes it's just inevitable. I feel like not living here has made it a lot more difficult to maintain friendships. I used to play the Sims game and in it you eventually had to have friends so that you could get a higher paying job. And you really had to work at keeping friendships alive with people. I totally believe this! I'm also very fourtunate that I do still have friends when I come back to winnipeg and am very thankful and happy that with many of them I can just hop right back into the swing of things, but at the same time I feel weird because there are so many inside jokes that I've missed. What's the cool way to react to an inside joke? do you laugh along, even though you have no idea what's going on...ignore, make other's feel akward. Who knows!!! And because you've been gone so long, you aren't the first in when someone is looking for an evening event you aren't the first person that is called and often are looked over, which is completely understandable.

6. Family
I love my family and it really sucks that I don't get to see them. I'm very close with my parents, it's weird that I would move out of a house when I have a great relationship, but sometimes you have to push the baby out of the nest! I also miss seeing my extended family and hanging out with my cousin who is like a little sister, and mostly I enjoy hearing her stories of the same highschool I went to, which I was quite fond of

Despite all these things that I've given up the evaluation is this. I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to leave. Not that it doesn't hurt nor has it been easy. I'm so happy about all the experiences that I have been able to enjoy. And the friends that make you realize what having true friends really is all about. I have also been able to experience something completely different from all my friends and represent my province well!! I in now way regret my decision.

Wow a blog that wasn't just about what I did this week.

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