Sunday, August 29, 2010

I tremble

So I've always wondered when listening to the radio, why on earth nickleback gets played. I do not know a single person that likes them. Not one single one of my friends would voluntarily listen to an entire song. I've always wondered who it is that keeps requesting them, or that style of music. (others like daughtry, or whatever sheit people listen to). So I was expressing this at work the other day, and it turns out my new office manager is a fan, like enough to buy the CD, and she keeps threatening me by making me have to listen to it.

So I figured there must be a reason for this. I think it's because of the CRTC's commitment to keeping canadian radio canadian. I forget what percentage of the music has to be from canadian artists but this is the only explaination I can think of. Radio stations obviously want to play music that people are going to listen to, and I think people for some reason would rather hear a song that is by an artist that they are familiar with. It makes me frustrated when you play a song that sounds just like something that you could here on the radio, but because it's by someone that is not famous it's not going to be given the same chance. This is something that really bothers me as someone that does not generally follow main stream music....At the same time, I don't want everyone to listen to the same stuff I do.

Another thing. I guess I have not realized how many people read this blog. (HUNDREDS!!! just kidding) But seriously, leave a comment, let me know you are here. It's very inspiring!

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