Saturday, August 28, 2010

jamesterday, all my troubles seemed so james away

The title describes a song I once heard a friend sing upon a jolly little trip across the pond to england. When I was in grade 12 I had the opportunity to go on this trip with my class and it was the greatest experience ever. Now most of you will not understand the james quote. The inside joke about missing James who happened to be a boy in our class that was in fact not on the trip. The running joke then became "Hey James look out for that car?", or "Is Everyone here? Where's James?" I just wanted those who read my blog that went on that trip (manny this is you) to remember, and for myself in many years as well. This kind of came up because I heard the song yesterday while my mother and I were at "the river barge festival" at the forks. Simply put, some musicians on a barge in the harbour. It was really neat though. We first heard chic gamine whom my mother really loves. Then the symphony was on and part of their performance included some beatles songs. Really neat

(sorry this is not from the barge festival, I just wanted yall to hear them.

England actually works as a nice transition to what I want to talk about. A few weeks back we got a free preview of sentanta sports, which is the best channel to watch english premier league, and it's just a great football channel. However, there was one night they were broadcasting hurling. You may think, Danielle, why did you want to watch someone puke. But alas it is not upchucking for and hour and a half, but alas it is a legit sport, played in ireland. Consequently, the first game we were watching was commentated in gaelic. Best language EVER. I don't think that you could ever be mad in that language. It sounds like a more sophisticated baby talk. And so happy-go-lovely. Anyways I would describe this sport as a combination of football (soccer), lacross, field hockey, football, rugby, handball, tennis with an irish brawl. Pretty much a free for all. It's played on a field set up like a soccer field, with two goals at the end that have two upright posts that a small ball can be sent into. My father and I also didn't happen to have any idea of what the rules are, so that made things much more exciting. I actually looked them up on wikipedia the next day. Here's a film to describe better what I'm talking about

By the way, helmets were only just made mandetory, like 2007 or maybe even later
I would so love to go to one of these games

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