Monday, October 18, 2010

From here it's clear that I'm not getting better, when I fall down you put me back together

I have just discovered a new favourite song. Saturday I was creeping through some blogs and saw an accoustic version of the song Put me back together from the Raditude album released last year. I have listened to this song countless times, and I even spent yesterday learning it on my uke. I just LOVE IT!!

Anyways, last night I didn't sleep. Obviously I slept a little but it was a very unrestful sleep. Before going to bed I was watching Paranormal State followed by psychic kids on A&E. I used to watch paranormal state all the time, but the problem was the commercials for paranormal activity, the movie. I kept having dreams that I was doing ghost hunting and I would be seeing the creepiest stuff, like unexplained doors closing and stuff. The thing is...I don't believe in ghosts. I'm not sure how to explain it. I don't deny the fact that some people may experience the paranormal but I don't feel that I could ever have such an experience. I feel like my mind is to cynical to experience anything. I think it's interesting to think though that as children our minds are much more open and I could have seen a ghost on the street and just not even realized that. I think that experience that we may have with the paranormal are mental, not that I'm insinuating mental conditions for those who do have these experiences, but I feel that it may not be what we think it is. With the psychics on the show I felt it was weird because there was one kid who had experiences with a man who followed him and was trying to kill him named Mr. Rosenberg (apparently this guy followed the kid home from the cemetery....messed up). I don't understand how one person can have these experiences and another psychic wont see this Mr. Rosenberg.

Also, I was thinking about how asians have "american/canadian" names. It's always interesting what kind of names they choose. It seems very old school names, like wendy or ann. Never any of the names that were popular when we were children. No madison, or taylor, or even the classic jessica which was the top name of year I was born. It's all very british names. I wonder if this comes from the fact that Hong Kong was under british rule until only recently.

Another thing about asians. I feel at my school if they are ever exchange students from china they come solely for business. i wonder why they wouldn't come for anything else. I feel it's the same with brown exchange students to. I feel that business is the most culturally diverse faculty.

One final thing. I went to go get hot water for me tea just now at school and I think the girl working at the coffee shop had her gum pierced. I've never seen that before.

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