Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I went out for the first bar night of the Halloween season last night. Just wanted to get some dance action on. We also went out with Chalmonds who is tiff's (our old roommates) boyfriend. It was so fun! It was great to see him again. The best part was 'knowing people' and calling ahead and getting in in front of the longest line I have ever seen there. The worst part about going sober smells just awful.

I must say people really stepped it up last night. I don't care what you say, if you go out in public wearing a bra, you are a slut. You are good for one thing. I don't care if any boys are saying 'ya but it's hot' (roommates included) it's still so so trashy. Even celebrities on music videos or lady gaga or britney spears back in the day, all sluts. I feel like your parents are so disappointed when they see it. I remember back when showing a little midriff was cool back in the day and I totally got in trouble for it.

I guess these costumes also gave people the excuse they need to dance harder than they ever have before. Now, as someone who is starting 'out-grow' the childish let's go dance with boys at the bar...(to be honest I don't think I was ever in this phase) I just don't care to dance with anyone. I have much more fun with my friends. One of our neighbors pete is a barback and said that girls were upping up their moves and driving their assets into 'frontal regions' so to speak. No thanks. I'm really laughing at the thought of all the one-night standers waking up right now and thinking omg I slept with where's waldo, or even worse a costume that had lot's of facepaint...or worse yet, someone that had a mask ha ha ha

There were also a lot of fights, mix a lot of booze and some fairy wings and let's just say...shit's going down. Our other neighbor I learned last time she drank can get very angry and last night was not an exception. She got kicked out. There was also a girl fight with like six girls on the street. There was one inside the bar. Once we decided to leave and were waiting to see if anyone from the court was coming out so we could cab with them. Right there on the street some girl (little red riding hood) was yelling at some guy yelling stuff like 'where's your law degree now?' and dropping some c-'s and b-'s. Then there was another guy waving down the police who had apparently had his shirt entirely ripped down the front.

I didn't go in costume at all, but I'm real excited for you all to see it. I'll be sure to post a picture. You'll laugh

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