Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I just literally woke up from such an emotional dream

I wasn't really scared at any point in this dream because I was sure that I was dreaming but it was so emotional!

It's weird because I think I started at a waterpark!It was like an ultimate water park. There it was on the side of a cliff and there were just a whole bunch of infinity pools and it was just a neat place to be
So this section of dream seemed to start with me and there were a few people I went to high school with and others, including becky ll going to the most haunted house in the world. It was more like a museum and each room had a different ghost. I personally have never been a huge believer in my seeing ghosts but I could feel that people were in the room and there was a pressure and I was doing all I could to kind of get rid of them. I was praying swearing...everything, and nothing would work. To be honest I have no idea why I was here, in life I would most likely avoid these kinds of situations. So anyways...we were each supposed to rotate rooms throughout the night. We were also given pictures so that we could see what was happening and what the people looked like. The last room was were becky was sleeping and I was already terrified so I got into bed with her, and the ghosts in here room were biters. In fact the next morning you could see bite marks all along the base of the blanket. But after I got in I was holding on to her and she started to levitate. I was screaming and screaming and then I was still holding onto her and she came down. Then we got up and it was morning and this house was on my grandparents farm and they are picking cherries (it was not cherry season) and they all looked kind of dead. I also didn't recognize a couple vehicles that were there. So one guy pulls up and he needs me to come with him to come pickup something for my grandpa. I get in the car and we are headed to downtown winnipeg, which for some reason has holes. We have to drop off something first. So we drop off this barrel, but they way he does it and the normal conversation we have don't mix. He levitates! No one else there seems to be shocked by it. Turns out he's a ghost and I guess he's come to tell me I'm no longer alive. He then takes me to this party that's a celebration of my life. It's great because I get to eavesdrop on people and think...'you don't belong here, I didn't even lie you' Then I go over to my parents table and I have a total connection with my father. He is able to talk to me and knows that no one else can see me. He eats food and I'm able to taste it. Then I woke up.

Then I had a good cry. I guess sometimes we don't realize how big our love for someone is. Even as I write this I am getting teary eyed. Man no one better break my heart or I'll be a wreck!!

So I don't know what this means, it would however make a great film, with one of those endings like in titanic. One where you can't help but cry.

I wonder what my role in the dream was, or whether I'd stay with him forever...or maybe it was my turn to lead him after because he was going to die soon.

I also thought as I was writing this that maybe ghosts are still kicking around as normal people and not as scary things. Maybe they just want to get noticed and do so by playing small menial roles to strangers.

Dreams certainly are powerful things. Maybe I should just start a dream blog.


  1. That's crazy. I've had some pretty intense dreams too where I wake up and start crying because of how powerful it was. I don't care what people say, there's something to be said about the meaning of dreams.

  2. I had another crazy one last night...and the weirdest was that I was looking for a ring during the day...not actively but I knew I wanted to find it, I was just to lazy to start.

    In the dream someone had found it for me

    I also found it in real life!
