Friday, February 25, 2011

the week of the reading

so I guess I should let you all know what's going on...I guess you probably haven't been waiting on pins and needles but here it is anyways

friday - wrote an exam, in 30 minutes...worth 30% of my grade. I hope I didn't mess up to bad!
Finally got to see Susan!! She came in on thursday night, but I figured it would be more beneficial to study. So after the exam she picked me up (late I might add!) and we headed over for a schwatz at starbucks. I had a chai latte and died in my mouth from tastiness. Then we headed down to vineland to see the places that my grandparents are hoping to move into. They were Perfect! Then as we were leaving we saw a sign that said 'flowers-from $3.00' so we decided heck, why not? Pulled into the driveway as the procurer of said flowers was outside working. He came over and I asked the specific prices, he said everything was $3.00. My mother grabbed a dozen pink roses that weren't saleable but certainly weren't in horrible condition. She said they were for her mother, then he asked what I was getting my mother. I, in a little puppy dog voice said, I only have a dollar. He took it from my hand and in exchange gave me a dozen carnations. He then asked us if we wanted more potted plants and my mother exlcaimed she was from out of town. They however ended up in my hands and we left with 15 extra potted plants for free. Then I spent the evening volunteering which was nice.

saturday - got up early and introduced oma and opas diner to my mother along with becky. From there mother and I went back to grandma and grandpas. We met up with my aunt and headed over for a boot in niagara on the lake. What an amazing little town...SOOO gorgeous. Then some family came over to my grandparents and we had cake. Then we went to frescos where my cousin works and with her brother shared drinks and conversation. It was quite lovely.

sunday - got up early and went to church. My mother kept me up a little in the evening with her snoring. We even stayed at church for lunch but there was a super awkward situation. For those of you that don't know I had a sister that passed away. I know you may deem it a little insensitive to inform you in this way, however it is something that I am perfectly ok wth. I am comfortable with discussing it and I realize that it has been some time since her passing. She was 6 when it happened. I feel that I should allow for a little tangent to explain better. She was born with a hole in her heart and later developed viral encephalitis, leaving her unable to do anything on her own (like eat, or talk, etc.). Then after other complications...when she was six she developed pneumonia shortly after christmas and left us on the 30th of december. So grandmother is not over it. Nearly eveytime I see her she brings up the fact that it was her job to hold Lindsay (my sister) in the hospital. In fact she called one weekend when I was at becky's and she had just finished watching my sisters funeral. That was this year! Now back to the story. We were at lunch and someone at the table asked if I was the only child, so my mother and I naturally say yes because it's to much to get back into the details as you have just seen. So when my mom says no my grandma seems to take offence and demands that we tell the whole story. I just got really peeved at that. So nothing exceptional happened in the afternoon. Mother and I went shopping, then she came back to my place where I prepared a lovely student meal of grilled cheese with tomato soup (chicken noodle for becky). And we watched a movie and hung out. Taffs friends came over whilst she was there so that was very interesting for her to see more so what my life was like on a semi-regular basis.

monday - got up early. Becky left for the airport :( Arriving at my grandparents my mother and I had nothing exceptional planned for the day. We wanted to go hear my cousin play guitar (because he's amazing!) So we headed over to my aunt and uncles. Turns out his guitar was at another house so we headed over there and ended up eating some chilli and visiting with my aunt and uncles friends. After dinner, with the kids, we played guesstures, which was surprisingly fun. Then in the evening I saw the kings speech, which was about what I was expecting. I knew that he would have a speech impediment and ultimately make a speech, but the way they tell the tale was quite well done. As far as oscars go, I will be disappointed if it beats out black swan although black swan was much more graphic.

tuesday - spa day. Headed over the the pillar and post (again woke up early). It was not a bad place at all. In fact quite lovely. So in the morning I had a pedicure, and the afternoon I had the second greatest massage of my life. The best was still 10 spa, which after my overall experience was much better. I found that the pillar and post was not very intimate, which was something I was looking for. When I'm vulnerable in a robe I don't really want to see people in shoes walking around. Their lounge also didn't have the greatest set up, and it didn't really have the most comfortable set up when it was super full. I would have also appreciated small snacks. They did however have a really neat outdoor hotspring. That night was my mothers sad.

wednesday - got up Really Early, and headed to school to help out with the niagara fruit and vegetable conference. It was pretty busy, but not to stressful. Then I got a free lunch out of it. As I was sitting there, the guy that farms my grandpas land came over and sat with me. I love weird coincidences. The lady organizing the event, and that hired me also was my mothers cousin, also my mothers other cousin in law was there.

the rest of my time wasnt' too exciting, and I'm to bored to keep typing.

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