Saturday, April 7, 2012

conversations with strangers

You know how when you are young your parents tell you never to talk to strangers...this has been a rule that I lately have not followed. I have been talking to strangers left, right and centre...ok maybe not that often, but at least left and right...

Left - on wednesday after work I decided not to go home straight after work. I wanted to go look at some books at the book store because I love to read. It's kind of nice that one of the local book stores has a large english book section, and a bargain bin, but that's all full of german books. I wanted to pick up a few so that I can bring them home and keep up my german a little through the summer. Then after I wandered over to the english book section. I grabbed a book that seemed a little interesting and sat down and started to read. Then I saw someone wander over and look at books on the right side of me and it's not often that germans (or so I thought) would be reading english, so in german I asked "sind sie engländer?" and so we got to talking and no she was not from england, but had spent four years living there. The conversation lasted about fifteen more minutes and that was that. It was nice.

Right - today I decided that it was important after my shopping extravaganza to stop for a relaxing cappuccino. It was a little chilly outside and I was thinking, great I have my book and I don't want my fingers to freeze so I'll sit inside. Sadly it was packed, but I recalled my german prof last year said that it is common in germany to join strangers at a table. So there was a kind older lady sitting by herself, I sat down to the right of her, my left and we exchanged a few words. Then we got to talking a little more - the waitress came over and she was getting ready to pay, and by this point we were starting to get comfortable and she even paid for my drink! I couldn't express my gratitude. We then continued to talk about everything for the next 45 minutes. It was a wonderful chat. Then we exchanged goodbyes, and never names. But it was such a fun interaction. I'm scared that when I see her again I won't recognize her. But it was still such a nice interaction. And a great cappuccino!

Side note - there was an old man on the table over and he was I'd guess 75 years old, came in looking a little shaky as he walked with his cane. But put away TWO sizeable beers and ate a massive plate of food. I was so impressed, but then I remembered where I was...I decided against taking a picture although that would have been great.

I also realized that the other day on the bus another old lady talked the entire way home with me. I found out how she likes to eat her fish...Fried, with little breading (if any)

Completely unrelated, here is the picture of the day.

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