Sunday, April 1, 2012

Saint Peter

So I went to church today...and no this is not an april fools joke. I think that as a christian it is important to visit other churches so that you can get a more well balanced view and keep yourself challenged. Today I went to a catholic church just down the street. Normally I feel a little bit uncomfortable with catholicism because I don't agree with the need for the power of the papacy, and historical corruption. I don't like the thought of an intercessor, nor do I believe in transubstantiation - although these could all be a product of my upbringing seeing as how historically my church was founded on these same principles.

So today was palm sunday and it was neat because many of the people brought live branches,not palms - I'm not plant expert, but perhaps they were laurels?? And some of them had decorated their bouquets with ribbons and it was so pretty. Anyways, during the service they read the entirety of the easter story and I as usual did fade in and out a little, but during the part when they were talking about how Peter will deny Jesus three times before the rooster crows, I was listening and I was like 'why did they choose to include this'. I think that it is important because it shows us that Jesus understands that we are going to have doubts and experience these moments and feel shame and this comes with much pressure from society. Believe me, being a christian isn't easy. I think this story is important because Jesus recognizes us for it, but will still love us. It also may have in some way given Peter an even greater love for Jesus, because even though Jesus knew what he was going to do, he was still there with Peter as a brother/father? This story also provides Peter with an opportunity to recognize the legitimacy of Jesus who is foretelling minute details that prove how powerful he is.

Also I was paying attention to the part when Jesus is on the cross and says 'Father, why have you forsaken me' and I don't have any explanation for why he would say this. Maybe it shows us that he was completely man and had his doubts, perhaps he was just never affected by the naivety and cynicism of the world because his faith was so strong prior to this moment. Couldn't tell ya - I'm not God! ha

Churches always make me think of history - especially being in catholic churches. The church is located right beside an old historic residence, so I wonder if any of those residents attended this church. Architecturally the church look like it had been rebuilt after the war without a massive budget.

It's also interesting that I was in a catholic church in Germany, considering my anabaptist history. It's weird to think of how the catholic church used to be the only option. And that people would go unable to read or truly understand because of the Latin scripture. I got a sense of that today because there were many times where I just couldn't understand because the space was so echo-y and the words were hard to make out. They were also expected to stare at the host through the entire thing. It's just hard to imagine.

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