Monday, April 16, 2012

Wieder Versichert

So I will now be able to tell you the wonderful details of myself that I have not been able to share with you for the past few weeks due to illegality. It's gonna be a long one so I'll get you a chance to change into your comfortable pants, maybe grab a drink...


Ok, so about three weeks ago I wanted to register for my procurement exam (which actually reminds me that I still need to do that) and anyways the dialogue screen wasn't loading properly or displaying the correct information. Not understanding why I emailed the support staff and I received a simple response...because you are not matriculated. wtf...that didn't make sense. So I emailed the liaison and so at the beginning of the year she told me that I had to pay a fee of 59 euros and the school would reimburse me because of all the crap that happened with this class I was supposed to take last year. In my mind I didn't understand that this money had to be paid to enrol me. I needed the money at the time and needed to be fluid so I figured it would just show a debit and then credit to my account, like it would at Brock. Sadly not the case. She told me that now I would have to pay those 59 euros without a reimbursement, plus an additional 20 euro late me. I was so cheesed, but by this point I just don't want to go back to school at all. So I had a little freak out and had to figure out what I wanted to do. Ideally I would be just taking a class at home and getting it done with there were I figured it would just be less complicated. I wanted to just be sure about insurance so I emailed the insurance company...

The response?

You haven't had insurance since february.


So I immediately realized that I would be taking this class, but first I needed my insurance back. Literally that process took about two weeks, and finally I got it back today. Meanwhile I had to register with the city. It is illegal for me to be here without proper insurance. Luckily I got something else. Something so that I can cross the borders.

I was also riding my bike home the other day and my tires got stuck in the streetcar rails and all I could think was I can't get hurt, I'm not insured!!  

So hopefully stress is relatively reduced in the next few weeks because I don't actually have a place to live after that's kind of fun..

Anyways - I'm  in mannheim at my couch surfers place, she has gone out for the night and I am stuck in doing homework and watching the soccer game. I'm friggen tired though. Perhaps I'll just go to bed early and get up early to do my homework then.

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