Friday, June 29, 2012

an even nicer thing I did?

I did something for the first time ever yesterday...

I gave something to a beggar.

I had to go into the innenstadt to gather some grooming products and on my way I passed someone who had a sign, which I didn't read, but he looked really pathetic and I didn't think more of it, until I came back outside and saw him on my way to the bakery. I made the decision to buy him a bun, which I admit always seems like a risk, because you don't really know their situation...and maybe you could somehow offend them.

Now as this was my first time I felt a little weird. I have never donated to to people on the street in m life because I have always personally felt like I have to work for my stuff, and I am not even working right now and don't have that much for myself, why would I give it to someone else. I feel like I could be in need (slightly less), but not comfortably stable. I know this is completely twisted logic and I think this is one of the reasons that I hate taking money from my parents because I never actually have to struggle, and I truly cannot sympathize with those who have nothing. I feel like I'm still sometimes in need of a reality check.

The guy seemed really surprised. I don't think this is a habit I will regularly be participating in, ut from time to time I feel like I should go with a bag of buns and just hand them out.

1 comment:

  1. One time I gave $5 to a guy standing outside a Safeway with his hat open for donations. He looked so sad...maybe because he was a bit older and I go all warm and squishy inside when I see old people in need. But I gave him the money and he was so thankful and he said "Oh thank you! Bless you!" and I saw him walk right to the deli (which was not a place of drugs or alcohol which I so often think they'd use it for). This all made me feel so humbled.
