Wednesday, June 6, 2012

some pockets have holes...really

Last night I had to go pick up my father from the airport and on the way home I don't remember what led to this, but he asked me what the name of my blog was. And so I replied "some pockets have holes"...but as I said it, it just sounded so stupid. I mean really...all pockets have holes, or they wouldn't be pockets right. Like I literally could not have come up with a worse name for a blog.

To be honest though, it came from first wanting to blog, and I started on livejournal and I was like I'm going to make fun of emo kids and have the stupidest name I can just like them. And I still think it's stupid. Should I change it though??

Also, yesterday at the airport I defiantly started crying when I saw my dad coming down the stairs. Then when I hugged him all I could say was "you have been gone for 2 days"...

How am I going to survive moving away!!

I cry all the time...!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yours is more creative than "Here it is"...mine literally came to mind because I actually started my blog for a class and I had to think of the name of it so fast 'cause it was IN class and I just ended up going, " it is..."
