Tuesday, April 19, 2011

school sucks


I have reached that point where I just need to be finished school.

It's weird because in high school I never hated school this much, especially when it's two months longer, oh yeah...because I never did any work.

I must say I have worked really really hard this semester and the grades have finally started to reflect the effort that I have put into some of my classes.

I have been in school for 17 years oh my life...that's all I know how to do...

...and I have another semester, in germany... apparently a bunch of the classes are going to be 100% finals. As long as I get 50s I'm good though because my brock marks are only reflected on a pass/fail basis. Score one for me!!!


  1. Do you really want anyone who reads this, like a future employer, to think that you are only shooting for 50%?

  2. ha ha....mother- most likely?
