Monday, July 16, 2012

Gettin donaghy-d

So I have been fortunate enough to start work again after nearly two months of vacation. Thank goodness because I was starting to get stir crazy. I will admit I am not enjoying the getting up early and not being able to sleep when I want, but I'm sure I'm not going to mind being able to furnish my room...and actually looking like a reasonable member of society.

I will admit the German language is just frustrating me though. It is really difficult to work in another language and it often makes me feel really dumb. Those of you think you know me well would be surprised how I am really hard on myself. This is more so in professional situations - in which I have to deal with people who don't really know me that well. And golf as well. I think I just always want to exceed expectations. And now, after graduating I feel like I need to be an exceptional worker. I don't want to just be a normal person, and I want to be able to come up with ideas and improve things and make things more efficient. I want to be a 'changer'. But it's just so difficult because even after 4 months there I still feel like I don't understand the process that well. And I hate when you are at work and you really don't want to ask your boss another question because you have already asked like 16 times about things and it's only 10 in the morning. I am always worried this will make me seem dumb, and then sometimes when I ask I feel like he doesn't listen and explains something up to where I have the problem and then doesn't go into my problem and doesn't understand where I am having the problem.

I do feel appreciated there though. The 'top boss' was in work on thursday and he gave me perhaps the most intimidating hand shake that I have ever had in my life. I would consider myself a not bad handshaker, but he just took the cake. I would honestly like to see what it would be like for him to meet Jack Donaghy from 30 rock. I may want to be my boss when I grow up....

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