Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Secret Life of bees

I'm pretty sure the title is actually a book name...but I don't really care...

I was in the park enjoying some wonderfully summer weather accompanied by old nerdist podcasts...just dying of laughter by myself, looking like a total freak.

Also got into examining some bees as they would pass the clover flowers around me. But I just don't really understand them at all...So one goes by and pretty much checks out every flower. Knows right away if he's going to get some pollen...get what's he needs and then moves to the next flower. Ok that makes sense. Bees love pollen, it kicks off the whole honey process.

Then along comes another bee a little while later and checks out the same flowers. But didn't the first bee already check. It seems like a pretty inefficient thing. Wouldn't the first one get all the pollen...if he's already there. I guess I don't know the rate that pollen is created, but I really don't get it. Like someone was just there...sorry. Maybe they're from rival tribes.

I just thought this though...where is the honey production actually taking place? In a tree? Is it nearby?

I'm gonna need a bee-cam

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