Saturday, July 28, 2012


One thing that I don't understand about celebrities is when they say things like - it's all for the fans and they say that the reason that they are so motivated to do things is so that they can keep connected to the fans and thank them all for what they've done. To me this completely goes against the integrity of what being an artist is.

It has been said that you should think about the one thing that you would do if money was never an issue - like what is your favourite thing. This is what you should look for when you are looking for a job and find what you are passionate about.

To me these two ideas go completely against each other. If you were doing something for your fans it means that you are not doing it for your self. I won't go as extreme to call it prostitution but on some level it is. You are selling who you are as a person for money.

Think about the whole celebrity magazine thing. Basically you sell yourself to get in there so that you can 'stay connected to the fans'. This has nothing to do with your art. Nothing at all.

I just like people that play really great music but I don't care (that much) about who they are in their personal lives. I have way more respect for people who are going to play because they truly love the music. This is why I don't think that top 40 is nearly as appealing for me. Maybe because I like the honesty of the person that happens when they are writing lyrics that are personal for them.

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