Saturday, November 20, 2010

the thing is....

See the thing is, clubs are just so gross.

I'll elaborate, they aren't all bad. The thing is boys are such pervs. Like if I'm dancing I really don't appreciate someone thrusting up against me. Number one, I have no idea who you are. You are violating my personal space. Most of the time you sneak up behind me and I don't really care to turn around to see who you are. Boys in clubs often are very predatory, they have one thing in mind and that's to find some girl drunk enough to rub up against them, and hopefully take them home at the end of the night. (I'm saying most guys not all...sorry to all the good ones out there). The thing is, I'm not like that. I'm not DTF - sawry. I just want to dance to the music. Most of the songs I would never listen to outside of club context. There was one guy on thursday who was trying to dance with me and he was singing along to I don't even remember what song, but it was to the point where I felt that I really didn't need to have the song drilled into my head. I was actually laughing while he was singing. I didn't let him stick around very long. I'll admit when I was younger I danced with a few's true. Another reason it sucks, is because there are quite a few that have no concept of rhythm. Like if you are moving back and forth I would prefer that you are moving to the same tempo that the song is playing.

So I'm sorry to my mother that you have to read this. I'm just telling it like it is.

Oh yeah, another funny story from saturday. Some guy wanted to dance with me, and it was near the end of the night, and I was watching someone to make sure an issue didn't get into a larger issue and so he wanted to lead me further into the crowd of people to dance, but I needed to stay within eye contact. So he asked me for my number. I played it cool. I put it in as D. If he really cares he'll try his luck. So I got a text last night hey baby what's up? I got it this morning and answered with lol, who is this? I have no intention to ever see this kid again. I guess I could have just not given my number, but whatever, I'd feel bad. Momentary lack of judgement.

To continue on my bar rant.
They are always so crowded. Like I want my space to dance. When I'm with out with my peeps I'd like a little bit of room so that we can move around. I'm not all about the 2 step. I might want to maybe take two steps to the side every once in a while. Maybe even a step backwards to mix things up, and I know the people I'm with don't want a space restriction as well. On the other hand I don't want to be dancing in the back40 of the dance floor. I also don't want my dance to be controlled by the people around me. I hate when the dance floor is so crowded that I no longer am allowed to control my own body movements. Even worse, getting made out on. No one wants that for themselves. I'm not a wall. I'm not a bed. I'm a person.

I also find it funny how boys just pull such big creep moves. Being much more sober lately than in previous years of my life I have began to often call them out on it. Again, thursday, I saw three guys just pulling the full out creep. I right out said I saw that whole thing go down. The had nothing to say. It was really funny.

I also enjoy the feeling of thinking back and realizing that I was not slutting it up with anyone on the dance floor. Like here's not a classy move, putting your hands on the floor and dancing with someone like that. I'm have really started to think about what people may think when they see me at school the next day.

I had a great little rescue moment though. I was waiting for sylvia and becky to go to the bathroom and allowed for them to do their business and while waiting some girl that I had seen outside not looking so good. So she clearly was not to talented at walking. So I took her by the hand and led her to the washroom and said go in here. I held the door shut for her, because her motor skills were so poor at that moment she was not going to be able to lock it herself. I then took her outside and she was able to locate her friends. Thank goodness. Someone took her home shortly thereafter

Oh yeah...I've seen her on my bus before as well. She won't remember but every time I see her that's exactly what I'll have in my head. Talk about making a good impression!

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