Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Clearly it's been a productive month. I've had nine posts in nine days!

So a few days ago I heard Rihanna's new song S&M...really?!? Is this really what she's singing out? I feel bad for all the parents who are going to have to explain this concept to their young impressionable teens. I think that when kids ask me about this stuff I may ask them to refer either to wikipedia or their friends who will most likely creep them out less...then when they have questions I'll do a check in with them. But really, there has always been debates about what kind of influence celebrities exude on children. Like the whole sex, drugs, rock and roll. People back in the day did not like the messages in music. I still can understand why parents worry when their kids are singing You shook me all night long! Kids are still singing this today (it's not a night at the bar unless they play this, save a horse ride a cowboy and everyone's favorite don't stop believing). I feel that a lot of songs are much less about the music. Like why do people want to have children watching miley cyrus how performed on the EMA's without pants. I just don't get it. When I was younger I will admit the lyrics never really bothered me, but now some stuff I just get disgusted by. Like that's really how you express yourself. I also am someone that can appreciate artistic license, but when you are in the public eye it is important to demonstrate that there is substance and purpose to what you are doing. And you also need to know what kind of stage you are on and who your audience is. If you want to talk about S&M, maybe you should be going to a bondage conference and singing there, but it should not be on public airwaves. Also think about all the offices that allow employees to play music during the day. If I go into a doctors office or something and I'm hearing S&M I'm going to questions what kind of people are working there.

Obviously this is an argument that can be much further developed, but I don't really feel like exuding that much brain effort at the moment.

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